
Why do athletes wear jumpers after competition?

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to protect body from cold after sweating?




  1. Yes basically to cool down and in some cases to look cool.

  2. Athletes wear warm-up clothes to keep the muscles loose. The pants and tops combination or a jumper also covers up the athletic clothes for more modesty and professionalism, and to show the team colors to better effect. A jumper beats the combo became it is easy to put on and take off.

  3. My coach always tells me to put it back on when I'm done racing because it will keep the body warm and loose. The muscles won't tense up before the next race and you won't have to completely stretch out again because your warm-up suit has done its job. The warm up suit also keeps you sweating, and so you have to drink a lot of water to stay hydrated; it's great when it comes to sports!!


  4. Guess you answered your own question there! Yes it is done to protect from cold. That moment between finishing an enduring activity and having a shower is very sensitive.

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