
Why do aussies critical about americans?

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Why do aussies critical about americans?




  1. I dont really listen too much to a country founded by the criminals that Britain didn't want.

    Oh really need to check your grammar before correcting someone else's....

  2. Curious, perhaps you are too young to know but that is DEMOCRACY in action.

    In our wonderful free society we criticize everything and everybody.

    We even bash our leaders, even how the President speaks.

    We even have "Bushisms" to list his errors like :

         "Is our children learning ?"

    And if you were a public figure we might even criticize your question,

        why do aussies critical about americans ?

    Some school English teachers would rather you had asked

                    Why are aussies critical of Americans

    (1)  A sentence usually begins with a capital

    (2)  Americans is never spelled in lower case

  3. Many people around the world critisize world powers.  Largely because of jealousy.  But recently, the criticism of the United States has been because of the invasion of Iraq.

    David H:

    Most of the settlers to America were refugees from the law, dissidents.

    They were given a choice, prison or colonize.

    Read your history.

  4. Just communication problems.

    With one on the kangaroo's back and the other on a horse back.

    When the kangaroo keep on hoping non -stop.

    How do we communicate?

  5. Aussies ARE critical OF SOME Americans for the same reasons as other people around the world:  

    American governments invade other countries - Vietnam, Panama, Iraq, Cambodia;

    some Americans are contemptuous of other cultures without having any knowledge of them or wanting to learn about them;

    some Americans assume their culture is the only one worth having and reject any criticism of it.

    Many Aussies also admire the USA because it has wonderful music, movies, TV shows, books, and many other things.  It is possible to criticise someone you both like and admire.

    Peace to all.

  6. They are just mad because they gave up their right to own firearms.  Now they will lose more rights.

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