
Why do australians have such white skin if they have the same weather as brazilains and the same beaches?

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and brazilaians and all other cointries with that type of weather have darker skin colour people why are australians so white i dont get this has been driving me crazy tell me why




  1. Native Australian's are far darker skinned in general than people from Brazil, however native Australian's are in the minority, the portion of Australian's that arrived 200 odd years ago were from England/Ireland etc places with climates that suit much fairer skin. Most skin colour is based on genetics, so obviously not much happens in 200 years.

    75% of Australians or one /both of their parents are from overseas so the local climate still doesn't have that much effect on people's skin type. The UV from the sun here is fairly harsh, and alot of the older generations now are experiencing skin cancers from over exposure, so many people now are avoiding being over-exposed to the sun as with lighter skin it can prove fatal later in life if you get an undiagnosed melanoma etc.

  2. Different genetics??  Perhaps we don't have that same pigment in out DNA?! I'm not sure. Maybe Brazilians just have that olive-tan skin in their DNA.

  3. Native Australians are, in general, darker skinned.  The majority of Australian citizens today are descendents of British prisoners that were sent to Australia for punishment.

  4. Most of us aint reli allowd to work on our tans anymore coz the UV rays are too strong and too many of us are gettin melanomas..

    But it's mainly the labourers tht work in the sun with the most tan coz they're in the sun all the time but use plenty of sunscreen

  5. It's pretty obvious, really. Brazil was settled from the 16th century by Portugeuse, African, Asians, Europeans. Most of these were dark skinned.

    Australia was settle only 200 years ago mainly by white Europeans. Asians and 'darker' races have really only come to Australia for the last few decades.

    To Brent (above), it's nice of you as an American to take an interest in answering the question, but really, to say that most of Australia's present population is made up of convict descendants is really  a bit off. There were only a few thousand convicts sent here; the rest were immigrants and free settlers. It's like saying that all americans are descended from the puritans & pilgrams.

  6. 1) People who work outdoors obtain a better tan.

    Slightly more people work in offices than outdoors.

    2) Not everyone lives within reasonable driving distance from the beach, hence they wouldn't go out to the beach and get a tan

    3) People realise that your skin will last a lot longer without wrinkles if you AVOID the sun... hence lots of people either wear lots of sunscreen or avoid the sun altogether. Everyone knows that smoking and exposure to sun causes premature ageing!

    4) Look at the life expectancy for Brazil then compare it to Australia... there's your answer!

  7. The UV in Australia is the worst on the planet (Apparently). So most of us try to stay out of it.

  8. The first white people settled in Australia just over 200 years ago and most came from the UK and Europe. Evolution simply doesn't work that fast!

  9. Who said we have the same weather here? The whole Australia-is-warm thing is a myth. Weather here SUCKS.


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