
Why do average people think they should have an opinion on whether or not climate change is real?

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I mean, if you don't collect data or do analysis, why do you think you should have a political opinion on the subject.




  1. because its all bull s h i t !  there PLENTY of proof out there that its a lie but its never realeased to the public:)

  2. Everyone has an opinion. We can't just shut down and say, ok i am never going to think again. And even with all the analysis we have today people are never always right. So learn to argue your point without hating on people and developing your average stereotypes.

  3. I spent years in college but quit for several reasons, one of them being divergent philosophies. Just because someone sat in college and got a degree doesn't mean they are always going to be right. They are still human and have opinions that they present as fact.

    Use your own mind and assume everything is theory. There is no human caused global warming-Al Gore is not a scientist and has an agenda. He is making money off the lie. He is heavily invested in "green" technologies.

    There is no consensus among all scientists- the opposition is being silenced-see Expelled the movie.

    I took geology meteorology astronomy and other sciences in college. I know for a fact that the earth has been getting gradually warmer since the last ice age-which started thousands of years ago-long before humans could have had any possible effect on the environment at all.

  4. Wouldn't it be nice if people  informed themselves before expressing political opinions on ANYTHING.

    But it's not an ideal world.

    In the case of climate change I guess their concern is whether or not we will still be able to brea...  *gasp choke*

  5. typical american warming and climate change is lie..right?

    then why the huge ice blocks ranging 2 miles are dissolving?

    we all know why americans dont want to admit global warming. then u have to stop driving cars, cut on your personal comfort..which u cannot do.

    but i am afraid nature will force america to cut on comfort in near future..

  6. Right on!!!!!

    Most people think they know it all because of the internet....or because of garbage magazines at the grocery store. I think they are full of elephant c**p.

  7. People have opinions on every imaginable subject.  Nothing can change that.  All scientists agree climate change is real.  Not all agree that there is an impending climatic crisis called global warming.  Whether that is true should be a matter of science.  How to deal with it can be a matter of politics.  But there's so much political pressure on scientists to come up with a certain specific answer, that it's very difficult to find and evaluate genuine science on the subject.

    Citizens of earth have a collective moral obligation to find the truth in this, and act on it appropriately and wisely.  Even if you don't think man has a moral obligation, then it's certainly in man's self-interest to do so.

    Some proponents are motivated more by a desire for world government than for truth.  Proposed solutions are damaging to the economies of nations and the world, as well as to free society.  The burden of proof is on these proponents that the problem is real, and that their proposed solutions are the best ones.  Caving in without examining the proof is naive laziness, sticking your head in the sand.  It's a refusal to take a responsible role in society.

  8. those are the lazy people of mankind.

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