
Why do babies get so cross and cry when they have wind?

by Guest62284  |  earlier

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mines seems to have terrible wind recently and if i dont get it up and she falls asleep she wakes up screaming

y do they get wind, we dont really get it after eating i dnt wake up with wind so what causes it...i dnt understand it




  1. they cry and scream cause it hurts and they can't really tell you what's wrong.  It is caused when they suck on the bottle or nipple.  Because while they are sucking they get air trapped in there and then the only way to get it out is to burp or pass gas.  Just they get real upset with the gas gently push their legs up into their chest and it should relieve some of the gas.

  2. The only way babies have of communicating is to cry, in varying degrees, tummy pain and trapped wind is incredibly painful.  When I was pregnant I got terrible wind and I couldve cried too!!  There are some products you can by over the counter like infacol and coleif, which you give before a feed.  It kind of lines their tummies, and helps digestion.  Also, gently massaging the tummy when they are in pain helps too.  Stretching the tummy out across your lap and massaging in clockwise circles, this is very helpful for them! Ask your Health Visitor if they have a nursery nurse attached to them, sometimes they are trained in baby massage, and the colic routine is really helpful.  Good luck, it does get better x x

  3. This reminds me of the Wizard of Oz. I dont think we're in Kansas anymore.

  4. You've never had some gas bubbles way up inside you couldn't get out?  It hurts!

    Their bodies are so tiny, with so much packed inside.  Their digestive systems are underdeveloped, and giving them formula doesn't help anything.  They're extremely sensitive to what goes into them.

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