
Why do bees make honey?

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Why do bees make honey?




  1. Honeybees collect nectar and store it as honey in their hives. Nectar and honey provide the energy for the bees' flight muscles and for heating the hive during the winter period. Honeybees also collect pollen which supplies protein for bee brood to grow.

  2. Not all bees make honey.  But honeybees make honey to eat.  They collect pollen when it's available.  They make honey out of some of it.  Honey keeps over the winter.  They eat it over the winter.  If they run out, they die.

    I've been happy with going to the grocery store.  It's a strategy that works for me.

  3. out of boredom

  4. To feed their young

  5. because honey doesn't spoil, so they could make honey and not worry about it rotting and running out of food

  6. As a food source

  7. coz if they didn't, who would?

    its like cows and milk

  8. They evolved to harvest flowers nectar which they turn into honey as a food source for their larvae.

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