
Why do berries and yogurt separate?

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I made two smooties yesterday and put them in the fridge. Today the one I made with yogurt, strawberries, bananas and orange juice was still a liquid, while the one I made with strawberries, blueberries and yogurt was a gelatanous cylinder with the juice separated out. Does anyone know why this would happen? I made them at the same time, and they were about the same consistency when they were both finished. The berries smothie hasn't gone bad, it's just a different consistency. What are the chemical processes at work here? Is is the blueberries or the lack of another ingredient, or what? Just really curious to know.




  1. The berries were more acidic and caused the milk protein in the yogurt to further denature(curdle) and it squeezed the whey out.

    Yogurt is already a curded milk product, but a soft curd. Heat will also cause this. Did you use the exact same container of yogurt? There could be a date difference that caused one to be more ready to separate than the other.

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