
Why do bi-polar girls move from one boy friend to the next?

by Guest57060  |  earlier

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I've noticed this with one girl who is bipolar. She goes out with a guy, says how much she's in love with him, then a month or so later, changes her mind, and meets another guy and repeats the cycle again. Whats up with this? Can someone explain this to me?




  1. This isn't necessarily related to being bipolar. there could be a variety of factors that would influence behavior like that... perhaps sexual abuse? it's unfair to assume it is because she is bipolar.

  2. cause there bi-polarity is a turn off to the guy.. and once the guy realises it.. he doesnt wanna be with her anymore

  3. My sister is a lot like this. I think it's how she avoids feeling her own insecurity and vulnerability. My theory is, if she can find a man to make her feel good about herself then she can also blame that same guy completely (as she has frequently) for when 'he makes her' feel bad. Since she develops no real personal intimacy between her and any of her male partners, it makes it easier for her to move on to the next guy willing enough to play her little games, rather than admit her own shortcomings.

    The point being she is always externalizing responsibility for her own feelings and behaviour onto someone else or on her relationship status.

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