
Why do bicyclists always seem to ride right next to each other on windy, two-lane roads?

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As a driver, I'm frustrated by bicyclists that double up, and ride side by side, instead of riding single-file on dangerous, two lane, windy, mountain roads. Why, why, why do they not realize that cars coming up behind them have on-coming traffic to be concerned with.

Motorists and bicyclists have to share the road, and it just makes passing totally dangerous for both, when the bicyclists are in the lane.

And this is crazy but, it's been my experience that often when I come up in my car, behind these doubled-up riders, they don't even move over! Do they think that I will choose to hit an oncoming vehicle rather than a person on a bike, if I had an out out of control vehicle coming my way? No, I will choose to hit a bike to avoid a head-on colision every day of the week. I'm just saying, that it would be safer for the bicyclists and the drivers, if they road single file & to the side of the road. But, mostly safer for the bikes because riding in the lane, is just dangerous




  1. Murphy's laws: 3 vehicles always meet in the same spot.

  2. I know that is the most frustrating thing in the world. I am taking training wheels right now, and one of my assigments was to go behind the wheel and drive around a bit with my mum. (I passed my driver's test and what not.) So I was so scared when I nearly hit the cyclists turning around a corner. They came out of nowhere! But I think they like to go side by side so they can gossip. haha.

  3. Take a passenger with you. Ride right along side them for just a moment. Have your passenger reach out and smack the closest one on the *** (those lovely tight shorts should create quite a SWACK) That will create the domino reaction and knock them both over, boom boom. The will be off the road and on the shoulder in no time.

  4. Companionship and safety in numbers.

    Most motorists ignore the safety rules when passing bicyclists.

    Bicyclists riding 2 abreast mean the driver has to go into another lane to pass, which is safer for the bicyclists than motorists who barely change lanes and zip past the bicyclists close enough for the wind wake of the car to cripple bicyclist ability to steer safely.

  5. You're being distracted with your Ben-Wa Balls you fancy so much. You're going to kill someone using those things while driving. Leave them at home for you and your girlfirends.

  6. There is no need to prohibit riding abreast since the rules on passing require cyclists to move right to permit overtaking and the slow-moving vehicle rule requires cyclists to keep to the right if going slower than other traffic.

    Eight states have no rule concerning the number of riders abreast. Fifteen other states prohibit bicycling more than two abreast, but permit riding two abreast.

    Twenty states permit riding two abreast unless traffic is impeded.

    New York permits riding two abreast except when a cyclist is being overtaken. The remaining six states require cyclists to ride single file.


    when no traffic is impeded or on bike paths or lanes


    when on bike lanes and where traffic is unimpeded


    when passing


    when passing, on bike lanes, paved shoulder or parking lane, or on a multilane road when not impeding traffic


    when on bike lanes or paths



  7. run them over !!

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