As a driver, I'm frustrated by bicyclists that double up, and ride side by side, instead of riding single-file on dangerous, two lane, windy, mountain roads. Why, why, why do they not realize that cars coming up behind them have on-coming traffic to be concerned with.
Motorists and bicyclists have to share the road, and it just makes passing totally dangerous for both, when the bicyclists are in the lane.
And this is crazy but, it's been my experience that often when I come up in my car, behind these doubled-up riders, they don't even move over! Do they think that I will choose to hit an oncoming vehicle rather than a person on a bike, if I had an out out of control vehicle coming my way? No, I will choose to hit a bike to avoid a head-on colision every day of the week. I'm just saying, that it would be safer for the bicyclists and the drivers, if they road single file & to the side of the road. But, mostly safer for the bikes because riding in the lane, is just dangerous