
Why do bikers always wave to another biker,and why do they point downward when greeting another biker?

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Why do bikers always wave to another biker,and why do they point downward when greeting another biker?




  1. "Bikers" who ride Harleys are classified as motorcyclists.  This is the bicycling section.  

    Bicyclists do not normally wave, and certainly do not point down.  Especially not when they're riding in a group, where they need to concentrate on on their draft, maintaining their cadence and staying in synch with the rest of their fellow riders--or they're all going down!  Any rider who would take their hands off their handlebars to wave would probably end up getting thrown out of the group--for safety's sake!  

    And even when riding alone, well, it may seem like "snobbery", but speaking at least for myself, between concentrating on the traffic, watching out for potential obstacles and keeping up my cadence, well, I'm sorry, but I'm too busy and usually too tired to muster up any additional energy to say "hi".  

    I'm not saying it's easy to ride a Harley, but it doesn't take the same type or amount of physical exertion while maintaining vigilent concentration as cycling, where socializing is usually reserved for before and after the ride.

  2. :::sighs and answers the question:::

    First, cyclist don't always wave to other cyclists, some people are snobs. But it sounds like you are in a friendly area where riders say "hi" to each other. Enjoy it!!

    Generally we help one another. If you're stopped by the side of the road expect to hear "are you ok?" even slightly as another rider breezes by. We carry everything needed to correct minor mechanicals so you never know who you'd help by stopping.

    Now, about the pointing. We call out hazards to others. The stuff drivers do not see, glass, potholes, tracks ... can spell disaster to us.

    When riding in a group or near other riders we call out, pointing down indicates "something you should watch for here." If the group is an organized one such as a club ride, training ride or the fastest - race pelaton the info goes both forward and back along the ride.

    Riders in front call out and indicate with body language hazards those in the back might not see. Riders in the back can hear cars approaching and call "car back"

    BTW that means "get your bike as far to the right as safely possible so we don't tick off drivers and motorcyclists" it's not just for informational purpose ;-)

    The information goes back and forth along the line of riders.

    So in brief cycling is one very helpful friendly sport. We say "hi" to each other, at least a nod. And we help each other out.

    Pointing out hazards is one way we do so.

  3. cause they're cool like that

  4. I would say it's a sign of respect and acknowledgment.

  5. Those are Harley guys only, like if you're on a Harley, and you see a guy on another, you do the wave.  Just a friendly gesture, its like saying why do Men put up three lazy fingers when a car lets them cross the street.

  6. It's like a courteous thing that they do.

  7. It's the same way with Jeeps (real Jeeps, not the fake ones!).  Jeeps drivers all wave to each other...we even have an official Jeep wave (look it up, it's on the net).  It's an acknowledgement of respect that we know and understand the pain (physical, from turning too many wrenches and busting too many knuckles), anguish (from things breaking) and fun (obviously) the other driver has from owning the same or similar vehicle.  It's the same with Harley riders.........all out of respect and acknowledgement for similar interests.

  8. They wave to each other just to say hi.  They might be showing the other their bikes.

  9. It is just a sign of acknowledgement towards there own kind.  And they point downward kind of like people do peace or special handshakes now.  Kind of like a gang sign because there doing the same type of thing, but not always in a bad way.


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