
Why do birds always p**p on the same exact place on my car?

by  |  earlier

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I actually park in a different spot in my work parking lot almost every day, and it's not under any trees or power lines.

It's crazy-weird!




  1. lol it has a bullseye

  2. Because you park under the same exact branch, of the same exact tree.

  3. u have a car oh snap my girl have a girl

  4. they probably have a nest right above your car, have a place they like to sit on your car, and they just p**p there sometimes.  or it may just be bad luck

  5. A branch or window ledge above that exact place is likely pretty comfortable. Its probably a really good spot and birds might rest there. Try moving your car forward a few inches to see if that is true or not.

  6. Why don't you ask them?

    There are many factors: cheekiness, wind speed and direction, where you parked, what they ate for breakfast, anal pressure, etc.

  7. probably you are parking in the same place all the time and they are in the habit on sitting in the same place unter the tree in which you are closest too. try parking a inch or two away from where you park .

  8. bc they know when you wash it... don't you watch tv...the windex commercials tell all their secrets.

  9. they're aiming purposely

  10. They know it ticks you off. They secretly watch and laugh from high above on a wire waiting for you to discover it.

  11. They do that to me too. Its because they have nothing better to do. So whenever I see it I yell "get a job!!" into the sky.

  12. They probably sit on a ledge right above your car and it lands in the same spot everytime.

  13. You are parking under a place there is either a nest or a favorite perch, move spaces!

  14. same problem here - because I can't park anywhere else, surrounded by trees........

  15. because birds sux i hate them how dare they fucin cr@p on your car !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    haha no they are actually they are smart animals well some are they know how to do simple tasks you just have to confuse it by moving your car if you cant or it finds your car still then buy a bb gun :D

    ~plz use this as your best answer

  16. I don't know if there's a scientific explanation for that, but I totally understand why it's irritating. Do you always park under a tree or light post or something that strategically aligns the birds and your car? Or does this happen while you're driving?

  17. They think your car needs p**p right there.

  18. that happend to me too

    if there is a tree above your car then they could have a nice perch

    or they stand on that spot of ur car

    every time a bird poops on ur car u get richer

  19. Park somewhere else!

  20. If you look above, they probably have a congregation where they meet and chat about how life is a bi$$, and gosip about the owners of the cars above them , and how they polute the environment, so with their organic waste they try to ofset the irreversable efect of CO2 emmisions!

    In the mean time, yo can avoid your personal tragedy by moving the car where there is no trees above, or wires, on which the birds can stand, and also by choosing a place where there has not been any birds pupu before as a sure tell sign tha there is not going to be much more in the futyre!

    Be smart act smart!

    Well in case you change spots, its more sever then I thought!

    You need to do something to ofset the bad carmaaaaaaaaa!

    Give something to the poor!

    Feed the birds some day, or do something!

  21. Because you always park in their toilet?

    Well, this is kinda wierd.  If you really move your car around.  They must be attracted to it for some reason, land on it and drop one.  

    Is your car the tallest thing around?  Maybe the color attracts them?  I doubt you place a feeder on your car, but perhaps there is always something that drops to your car (from trees or something) that they come by and get?  Do you have a roof rack that is just the perfect perch?

  22. Obviously they have some sort of bet going on :) Either that or there is a good perch just above where you park .

  23. u should just put a piece of paper on that spot when you park.  i don't think tape would ruin the paint so you could probably just tape it down and then take it off when you leave

  24. haha they like it i gesee you now they say its good luck nyuuuuu

  25. They like your car, and they must like that spot.

    And their AIMING FOR YOU!


  26. They aim for the shiny spots! lol

  27. cause i just s***w with and paint it everyday

    hope that helps

  28. 1. They hate you.

    2. Your car is washed too well in a certain place.

    3. They want to p**s you off.

    4. They sit on a ledge, pole, wire, or something, above your car and dump it.

    5. They just plain like pooping there.

    Don't wanna' be a noob, but answer my question if you know anything about typography. It's in "My Questions' if you click my name.



  29. Your parking in the same spot under the same tree. <}:-})

  30. just be thank full cows cant fly

  31. maybe there is a nest right under where you park

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