
Why do birds follow ships?

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I live on a river bank where barges and tug boats regularly pass. Every time they do, there are 25 to 75 birds following close behind as if the ship were dropping food in the water as they traveled. The birds do this every time landing in the water and then taking off again, or scooping down as if to grab a bit of food. I can only assume. PLEASE HELP




  1. Fish and other wildlife churn up behind the barges and tugs wake and make for a quick and easier meal.  I've also seen fish leap out of the water behind boats.

  2. As mentioned, mainly food. Fish may jump to avoid the boat, people hand feed them many reasons. I have been way out in the ocean (Miles from land) and occasionally a bird may land for a rest as they migrate or blown off course in a storm. Shrimp boats are the boat of choice around where they fish for shrimp (Nets). We hand feed them bread and other foods. Just hold it up in the air and they will take it from your hand. Never been pecked, though it may happen by accident.

    For trivia. People inland from water have trained birds to eat from their hand. It a food thing for sure.

  3. They follow the ships to eat the garbage that is thrown overboard for food.

  4. A few reasons.  The movement of these ships and the propellers under the water stirr up food and debris, and sometimes even chop up tiny baitfish that can't get out of the way.  The birds come in to feed off this free chum.

    Fishing boats send out a lot of free scraps of food for birds, leftover bait, dead fish, etc., and many crews feed the birds intentionally by throwing over scraps of bait.  Local birds get used to this and follow boats thinking its dinner time.

  5. allows nearby place to land? while it also moves allowing them to remain comfortable distance while still moving?

    just a suggestion.

  6. maybe they're fishing boats, fishermen chuck the small stuff back as this helps other small fish to grow. they will get them next time! gulls have well got onto that one, i think that's why normally, maybe they assume its a fishing boat until they know otherwise?

  7. maby thier nest is on the ship

  8. birds will follow your ship because they think of its as a place with food and wormth perfect for cervival

  9. Food.

    When I fish off the Cabo coast the birds come swooping in to be fed. Once had a pelican land right on the gunwhale for a tasty morsel.

  10. I was out on a trip in plymouth to go whale watching and we ran into a group of warblers.  The biologist from Bridgewater said many birds get stranded out at sea or on large bodies of water and need a place to land.  Many times birds will follow ships and boats to find a place to land and regain strength to continue their journey.  So basically they follow ships the rest their wings.  Or as many of the other people have suggested, they may be after the food that is on deck because idiotic humans feed them.  Hope this helps!

  11. They associate the boats with food and a place to rest at sea....yes, I know you are observing this near shore...but they remember they have been able to rest on the boats at sea and gotten scrap food.

  12. Birds follow ships for food

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