
Why do birds sing more when it's sunny outside?

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Cloudy weather, and it's almost silent. Then the sun comes out and there are myriads of birdsongs. Why?




  1. Its more of a reaction to the changing season and spring rather than the amount of sun...

    "When birds are exposed to light for longer periods, certain brain cells trigger a series of hormonal reactions telling them to find a mating partner, which they do by singing."  ~according to Reuters

    Birds are most active during the day obviously so they do most of their singing and mate-searching when the sun is out during the spring months.

  2. The idea of "Singing in the rain" might make a great movie, but the birds are not that stupid,

    Ian M

  3. actually if you give a listen the birds are most active singing in the early morning and close to dusk,different species will prefer different times of day to attract a mate for example robins in the AM,morning doves in the late PM,and whip-poor-wills at night.

  4. The birds are thanking God for a beautiful day.  They are making a joyful noise unto the Lord.

  5. Because thats when they are happy or because thats there favorite part of the day .=)

  6. We are miserable when it is cold,dull and cloudy.

    So once sun comes out we get cheerful lol tweet tweet!

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