
Why do birds suddenly appear every time that your near?

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Why do birds suddenly appear every time that your near?




  1. Because I'm up at dawn, just when they are singing their hearts out ....

  2. ...a pavalov conditioning reflex...i imagine...

  3. Because they can sense that the singer is about to disappear.

  4. because im usually eating a bacon buttie at an outside cafe

  5. Because I Feed the birds "Tuppence a bag,

    Tuppence, Tuppence, Tuppence a Bag!"

  6. The're watching us!


    The're watching us!


  7. It must be because they are outside.

  8. Its because they think you have food to feed them

  9. On the day that you were born the angels got together and decided to create a dream com true, so they sprinkled moondust in your hair and golden starlight in your eyes so blue...

    Birds are beautiful  trusting creatures that come when they recognize a friend. It takes several days for them to recognize your face and shape and actions.

    I have bird feeders and water my plants. They love being sprinkled on a hot day more than the bird feeders, which abound in the neighborhood anyway.

    Spray the trees around your house and they will come for a bath and a drink.

  10. It's because you smell like fish,

  11. Vultures circling... it doesn't bode well for my future!

  12. cuckoo cuckoo

  13. because ur the birdman

  14. Just like me, they long to be close to you.

  15. Because if you weren't near them, then you wouldn't be aware of them.

  16. because im a tree...........

  17. Is it really the birds suddenly appearing or is it me suddenly appearing? The world my never know.

  18. Those birds are magical beings that have their eyes made of glass, feathers of wool, the wings of porcelain, their tails are made of polystyrene and their beaks of fibreglass.

    I think birds are techno-angels sent to the earth to spy on us humans for our wasteful habits, to compensate for our follies, and also our inability to take to air as freely as bird do – may be we lost the use our once lucid feathers and lustrous wings over millions of years because of our love of fashion of fancy and expensive clothes.

    The bird then may be are the beings sent.

    They are sent to the earth to see and record our every move, to catalogue every error, and the amount chips we consume in the parks, at bus stops, or by the shops.

    The eyes then are the lenses for the little camera set their little heads, and when they trot with little feet, not made for trotting, they change the position of the camera so that they may capture the best evidence shot at the best possible angle.

    The birds can also be magically conjured up from within the bellows of the fiery h***s of volcanic lands, as I have seen this by my own eyes on the television.

    The birds can see if you see them, and can know the way you see.

    The downtown pigeons always approach from behind your head, and never from the direction your eyes are set, thus flying close within the easy reach of a hand.

  19. I live near a tip.

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