
Why do biting insect prefer some humans over others?

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Take mosquitos ... I get bitten a lot more than my partner. What is it that decides which of the two in the bed will be bitten or is it just pot luck?




  1. I've recently been told that most insects don't like biting people who have eaten Marmite.  Apparently if you eat Marmite on a daily basis, it comes out through your sweat and insects will not bite you if there is somebody else that is Marmiteless available instead!

  2. It depends on if they like your sent. Unfortunately they like mine!

  3. Biting insects are attracted to certain pheromones - people that give off the kind they like will get bitten more than people who give off different-smelling pheromones. It is not related to blood type - my mother and I are the same blood type, but mozzies and fleas and so on always bite her, and never bite me.

    I haven't heard about Marmite being a deterrant, but it's possible it causes you to give off a scent the biters find distasteful. Worth a try!

  4. According to the last experiments at the labs the scientists found that mosquite prefer the high temperature degree radiate from some persons and this high temperature correlated with the increase blood value and volume at the body.

  5. I've heard that eating Marmite keeps them at bay, does your partner like it?

    I eat it most morning and the only time I ever get bitten is in Amsterdam, the Dutch mozzies must like it after all.

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