
Why do black athletes dominate the track events?

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I've noticed that black athletes are much more successful in sprints and long distance. Running in general I guess. Why is that?




  1. i actually don't know.

    but if someone tells you it's because they have an extra muscle in their legs, i would absolutely die.  that's totally not true.

  2. Might draw some fire from the super sensitive types , but a little research into sports medicine  should quiet them down.

    However , have read that physiology is a factor.

    Look at the head on tapes of  runners  esp in the short distance races.

    It seems to be a "black" trait to have narrower hips which is great for transmitting thrust from the legs in a straight line.

    A runner w/ wide hips of any race will "waddle" more & the energy transfer is not as efficient.

    Muscle insertion ( where muscles attach to the bones) & skeletal anatomy are part of the "racial" equation as well.

    Not difficult  to see the obvious physical differences between a Swede & a Mexican.

    Forensics experts often determine race by examining skeletal remains.

    If you look at distance runners ( all look alike to me exc. for color).

    They all have wiry lightly, built bodies regardless of race.

    Kenyans are dominant because of enviornment as well  & have the endurance that comes from living & training in hilly terrain at high altitude.

    Just interesting stuff I came across along the way.

    Sure a real scientist can elaborate.

    Best regards

  3. it's bs that black people have different bodies come than other races. Most Blacks even the ones who run on the U.S.A team have families or were born in the Caribbean Islands or Africa. The lifestyle their is running, and overally more athletic. For instance, kids walk to school, and run on the beach about everday,also the diet is more healtheir. When I went to school in Bermuda, we ran to the beach, ran to school, ran to the icecream place. But when i moved to the U.S for high school, people rely more on cars and fast food joints.

  4. are you talking about "BOLT"? well yeah, maybe because it's their nature in running. the first black people walk thousand miles in the desert. their legs went strong. and maybe the strength of their legs was passed though generations by heredity or by genes.

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