
Why do black girls have such large butts?

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No matter how skinny a black girl is they will have a huge butt. Why is this? Is it some disorder? I find it repulsive is it prehuman genetics?




  1. Sorry black women are not trying please other women, nor are they trying to please other races of men & women. they care about what us black men think,

    we black men love women with booty

    like this-------->

    and not like this-------->

  2. its is genetics, that's why they excel at athletic sports..

    and why are you looking?

  3. That is not true, I don't have an ounce of black in me and I have a big butt. I've had black girls tell me they were jealous of it. You might find it repulsive but guys sure don't, they love it. And I have portugese in me, if you look at many portuguese women they all have big butts. nOt just a black girl thing.

  4. Why, to have something to hold on to!

  5. It's just in the genes. Different race, different gene pool. They're built differently, if only externally. If you find it repulsive you're ignorant and should go shoot your foot. =)

  6. not me well its not flat but not big  

  7. racist....

  8. It was a trait that developed in the days of slavery. It was to keep the tiny p***s white men from being able to penetrate them from behind while they were doing the washing.

  9. Tell the truth... You like BIG BUTTS and you can not lie. Those other girls can't deny. When a sista walks in with an itty bitty waist and a round thing in your face you get sprung!!

    I think you like the big butts. BTW, black women are not the only ones with big back sides. Why did you choose to harass black women for being blessed? Ever heard of Kim Kardashian? J. Lo? They are famous for their ASSets. Why hate on black women? Jealous?  

  10. thats not true..u are stereotyping..not all black girls have big butts

    and idk every race has their genetics..why do white people have fine hair, why do asian people have smaller eyes..? differences are what makes the world beautiful :)

    and PS its not cool to call people repulsive..u are going to offend someone

  11. I'm not too sure what it is. Undoubtedly, their butts do remain a mystery. Maybe its something in the food that they eat.  


    Guess it's working! continue to stare.

  13. prehuman genetics? disorder? you clearly have no clue at all as to what you're talking about. not all black women have huge butts, i know plenty that do not. and i've seen lots of white girls that have them as well. it's simply a question of heredity. same reason why you have whatever it is you do.

  14. People come in all shapes and sizes and much of it seems to be influenced by the kind of climate they live in or their ancestors lived in.

    Many physical anthropologists claim that the tall body sizes and large buttocks found among many Africans serve as a form of heat release in the sweltering hot, tropical African climate.

    If humans originated in Africa, as the present evidence suggests, it says that everyone had large buttocks at one time including our own ancestors.

    For example, the Venus of Willendorf figurine found in Austria in 1908 shows a woman with large hips and b*****s and kinky hair. It is between 24,000 and 26,000 years old. Technically, these people were Europeans, however, since their ancestors had probably arrived in Europe rather recently from Africa, they still had all the physical features characteristic of  tropical humans.

    Diet can sometimes be a factor in people's physical appearance too. For example, the reason that Russians tend to be chunky and overweight has been linked to the kind of diet they have traditionally eaten. Since Russia has a short growing season, some foods available to Americans and Western Europeans are not available to Russians.

    Unfortunately, we all have some physical characteristics that other cultures might find "repulsive." For example, the hairiness and large noses of many Caucasians are a turnoff to African and Asian peoples. Also, there have been some studies conducted which  indicate that a majority of men do not especially care for women with blond hair despite the fact that it is often romanticized in Hollywood movies and commercials e.g. "Blonds have more fun" etc.  

  15. "Prehuman genetics"? Never heard of it.

    I have no idea why people of different races share certain physical features, but I've never thought that a womanly curve on, you know, a woman, was an unattractive thing. I think beautiful comes in many shapes.


  17. After years of sitting on them so much genetics cause their offspring to have them also. The male of this species usually have this problem too. There seems to be no cure.

  18. No Offence..but what is with you and being mean about black people..

    first that question about them being acist and now thiss?

    w/e though,, im just thinking it as youre pissed at a girl...or jellous?

  19. because most of them are stout.

    fat whites and fat asians have large butts too.

  20. The only reason black women have large butts is to make other women jealous.

  21. That is how God had made us, don't be mad :)

    good luck:)  

  22. racist much?

  23. it runs in my family!!!!

  24. idk, my name is ash too!

  25. It's a gene...

  26. cuz they stuff it with fried chicken and grape kool-aid...cant be too healthy so there ya go

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