
Why do black men see no incentive.?

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To work hard




  1. Your starting premise if false or at least flawed - everyone has incentive - it is a matter of what that incentive is to do - and that is culturally based.  It is unfortunate that in some segments of populations around the world, academic success or achievement is frowned upon.  For example (a good anthro lesson here) in many societies the goal is for everyone to remains equal.  Anyone who "betters" themself is seen as trying to be better than others, and in some societies that opens a person to suspicion - how did they get more than me - perhpas it was witchcraft...  In such societies the fear of being accused of witchcraft acts as a social control against advancing oneself in some areas.

      A similar situation exists in many of our subcultures (not witchcraft) where a child that does wll in school is knocked by others - so it is more socially acceptable to not succeed.  My daughter has an excellent example of this in her class.  At the beginning of the school year, a young black man entered our school from an inner city program.  For the first few weeks he refused to participate, seemed to believe that everyone expected him to fail, and thought that was acceptable for himself.  Over the course of the semester he seemed surprised by the constant support and encouragement to do well he recieved not only from staff, but from other students as well.  Now as the year ends, he has become an excellent student, speaks up in class, no longer tries to disrupt others, etc.  Showing that is was not a biological issue, but rather a cultural one.

    Finally, my experience with classmates and students from Africa has been that they are very hardworking, motivated and succesful people, but interestingly, (at least in my experience) they have come from cultures where education and advancement are considered positive goals, while I have never met someone from the cultures that discourage such achievment.  I have not seen a study to support it, but I suspect this is all related somehow.

  2. Afro-Americans comprise 13% of the U.S. population yet they contribute 55% of the crime.

    There are more Afro-Americans in prison than in college, and half of those in college do not graduate.  They have the lowest percent of research in college.

    Martin Luther King jr. plagiarized his doctoral dissertation at Boston University.  All of his speeches, including the "I have a dream speech" were written by members of the CPUSA (Communist Party of the USA).

    The NAACP was founded in 1909 but did not have an Afro-American president until the death of Jewish Kivie Kaplan in 1975.

    Afro-Americans are seen as a high-maintenance population.  Almost 70% of Afro-Americans are on welfare or some sort of economic aid.

    With globalization bringing so many middle-class educated foreigners to the US, the Afro-American had been described as academically challenged, bestial in appearance, and criminally inclined.

  3. Not all black men in poverty or growing up in poverty feel that way.  

    Many do work and many are trying but the media and others focus on the ones doing bad.  

    But like curious stated many don't have info and resources or mentor ship.

  4. none of them had the dream of achieving those goals. all they want is instant.! war! victory! empty victory that is..

  5. Because they are lazy and want handouts. I say strap them up with an M-16 since they love guns so much and send them to Iraq where they can do some good.

  6. That is not a valid question because your premise is faulty.

    A better question would be:  Why are you racist?

  7. I think they would love to if they had the information avavilable to them Mentors, Leaders someone around them to let them know the glizt and glamour on TV is not the way


  8. i can't answer without getting in trouble.  i'm not touching this with a ten foot pole.

  9. alright, that is only true for poor black people, and its the exact same for poor white people, and poor hispanic people. its a result of poverty and social dimorphism, race and being black has nothing to do with it.

    the cause of poverty in our capitalist society is inequality. It is one small group of people controling most of the nations welth.

    If it wasen't for great big corperations then we would be a nation at peace. but greed and conssumerism is the capitalist way of life.

    What is wrong with shareing and doing more to provide others with a hand up in the world.

    Insted people are repressed and manipulated. peace is a thing to come, it will come only when there is equality and the extreems of welth and poverty have been eliminated.

    I think all of the welthy people should redistribute all of their welth back into the hads of the workers who helped them become that welthey and have that much of a surpluss.

    So blacks have no incentive because Yuppy pigs make it look nearly imposible for the the poor to climb out of the hole they find them selves in.

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