
Why do black people get more breaks such as well fare. than whites?

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Why do black people get more breaks such as well fare. than whites?




  1. Many people fear lawsuits in these cases. Today if anything is said that may offend a black person in any way you face getting sued, shot, or fired.

    Some blacks take many things said on personal levels as a strategic advantage and look for the angle to rant for nothing in hopes of a personal gain.

  2. I am Black.  Neither my parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, great-great grandparents nor myself have ever been on welfare.  I am a third-generation college graduate.  I am poor just like everybody else.  I make it from paycheck to paycheck just like most people.  My wife and I have boxes of Ramen noodles in our pantry right now.  I would never take welfare even if it were handed to me.  I was homeless for three months in my early twenties.  Back then I was the working poor I had a job but no place to stay but my car.  I never begged on the streets.  The majority of people that I know who are on welfare are Caucasians.  Not every Black family has experienced welfare.  I would rather get a hand-up to assist to become better.  I do not believe in hand-outs.  Welfare is a handout to stay in the oppressive system and/or state of mind to stay in poverty, bondage, or lack.

  3. "b. welfare also includes social security, which is something that ALL senior citizens qualify for "

    Not true. SS benefits must be earned. Not everyone qualifies.

    "c. why are you ignorant enough to ask such a stupid question? where exactly did u get your facts?"

    Why are you talking about yourself?

  4. because of slavery hundreds of years ago

  5. Slavery has nothing to do with it, look at the south, nothing has changed.

    Whites don't ask for it, blacks do.

  6. I am black and I would really like to know where my dang "break" is. I can't find it in my car note, mortgage payment, at the gas station or grocery store. Quit worring about other follks. It may only seem like blacks are getting a break, because you are struggling to keep your own head above water, while wasting  energy focusing on what everybody else is doing. You can't do both and be successful.

  7. If you see welfare as a break, you are a fool.

  8. R u serious ? You are what people call ignorant! When was the last time you checked the stats on that . Some people arent even worth explaining **** to. I got a question ?? Why do white people ask stupid questions about black people? You probably are wondering why black people eat neck bone and greens too.

  9. Could the possibility exist....

    that well fare programs are an attempt to draw an unsuspecting people into dependency on the government...that eventually results into slavery?

  10. I hope you have the guts to read this all the way through. I resent that! I nor my parents have ever been on welfare or any other public assistance. They were hard workers. During the 30's, 40's and 50's by the way. I know there seem to be an inordinate amount of minorities on public assistance, but if you do a count there are just as many caucasians. There is however a larger SEGMENT of the black population in need of public assistance than caucasians. A persons race or culture has less to do with their need for public assistance than does the status placed upon that race or culture in a society. Numerically (per capita) there are far more minorities applying because there are far more disadvantaged minorities (of all races).

  11. I can find nothing in any law anywhere that says black people get preferential treatment because they're black. Do some more research will ya? I'd hardly call welfare "a break".

  12. because they've been bitching and moaning the longest.

  13.'re wrong about that completely. Please research more. I think you have one group of people confused with the illegal immigrants from Mexico; so you really should apologize.

  14. That's funny....

    You need to research that a little more...

    Your opinion doesn't equal the truth...

  15. Government assistance is based on income and assets, not race.

  16. The role of the Welfare State, ought never be interpreted to be, or, be viewed, as, complete stability in security. I suggest, that, the largest number of recipients of State 'handouts', are, not Afro-Carribeans, but, the exact opposite.

  17. First off; not even close to true. Second, only 20% of welfare dollars, goes to welfare recipients. The rest is just a hidden tax, that goes to support the psychos in DC.

  18. so they dont sue the government on racial grounds thats why the law let gyppo's off with rd tax

  19. They don't.  Do some research and you will see this.  Maybe the area you are from leads you to believe this but it is pretty equal across the board.  Welfare is not a break.  Welfare is a social program consisting of many different levels of assistance ranging from actual cash payments called TANF, to food stamps, to just health insurance that is a last resort for some and a generational way of life for others depending on their situation. In either case it is not a break.  It is meant to be a temporary program but the way it is set up it ends up being more long term and people become trapped in the system unable to break free.  It also acts as an entrance point for many other assistance programs (HUD, WIC, Etc.) that are either directly or indirectly funded by the government.  Anyway, access to these programs is based on your income level, the number of people in your household, and other demographic information, not the color of your skin.

    **The only difference between "blacks" and "whites" is the pigmentation of their skin--like the difference between regular and black jaguars or white and black poodles.  **Did you know there is as much or more of a genetic variation between you and another "white" person as there is between you and a "black" person!

  20. do little bit more research

    learn more

    come back and ask again

  21. Because white people are brought up knowing the working system inside and out and black people are brought up knowing the welfare system. They know how to manipulate the system to get free money because they are too lazy to work

    social security is somethiung you pay into FOR WORKING and after a lifetime of WORKING you get some money back from it.

    Yes and I forgot about the MAN keeping you down

  22. considering that white single mothers are the highest percentage of welfare recipients I'd agree with previous answers that put your question in question. Also, welfare is grossly inadequate since Clinton's "welfare reform" stripped it of any substance.

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