
Why do black people have funny names? [obama]?

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Why do black people have funny names? [obama]?




  1. It isn't funny to the people who name their children that. I am sure african-american people think our names are rather odd.

  2. That is a very racist thing to say. Everyone's name has some sort of meaning to it, and what you just said is one of the most ignorant things i have ever heard. Thats like someone asking on Yahoo! Answers, "Why do white people have funny names? [joe]?" How would that make you feel? If you really didn't know that names like Obama are common, please use more considerate words instead of "funny".

  3. SHUTUP STUPID black people like me are on this website and Obama is what his mom named him he cant help that how would u feel if i asked Why are u so stupid?

  4. Wow...I have three mixed race children named Zachary, David and Nancy.  My sister, on the other hand, has three really white kids named Etheric, Om, and Lotus......

    Any other stupid comments?

  5. Because you are willing to laugh at them, because others do not.  They do get hard to pronounce sometimes, but we will always think low of what we know very little about.  

    Jack is funny-jack off

    Phillip is funny-

    Alexis can be funny-

    Toyomishima can be funny-  

    The only difference is that of the person that is reading is just a sign that it is not normal for you to hear it or say it.

  6. Do you want a serious answer?

    If so, it's because much of the U.S. came from British backgrounds, especially early on.  So, many people's names come from the some linguistic "pool".  Many people even had their names changed at Ellis Island to be more Anglicized.  My own name is of German extraction, and the pronunciation is considered "funny" by many because we haven't completely Anglicized it yet (though it would be considered "normal" if seen written).

    Names from different cultures may seem "funny" because they're from a different linguistic heritage, to which you may not have been exposed.  I knew people in the Army to whom common Hispanic surnames seemed "funny", not to mention names of Asian origin.  I'm sure if you think about it, it's not "black" people who have "funny" names (Powell? Rice?), but rather names of African extraction, to which you may have not been exposed much.

    On the other hand, if this is just some racist troll instead of a serious question... thanks for the 2 points.

  7. i ask my self to



    but it's there life, and we shouldn't care

  8. Obama is a Kenyan name.

    Why do Greeks have funny names? Ourania.

    Why do Russians? Vladimir

    Why do Dutch? Petra

    Chinese? Chin

    Pakistanis? Harata

    Hebrew? Smadar

  9. Most black people have normal names.  Muslims have funny names.

    Although it was white people who named their daughter 'Telula does the hula from Hawaii'.

    Google it if you don't believe me.

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