
Why do black people having different looking legs than whites?

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To me they seem to have a different shape than others. The legs look skinny with a big calf muscle. Does it have anything to do with jumping ability in basketball?




  1. That's a completely ignorant generalization.  You'll find people both black and white with thick legs, thin legs, scrawny legs, muscular legs, fat legs, hairy legs, veiny legs, and every other kind of legs.

    And not that you deserve a serious response to such a question, but you do seem in need of education, so I'll enlighten you.

    Most black Americans are descended from African slaves.  African slaves were brought to America on slave ships under terrible living conditions, and, by and large, only the very strongest of them survived the trip.  (Often only a small fraction of those who began the journey would survive to reach the other side of the Atlantic.)  Once they arrived in America, the most likely to be bought and bred were the biggest and the strongest.  So those black Americans descended from African slaves who have pronounced musculature (and in some cases, superior jumping ability) are products of accelerated natural selection and selective breeding, to a much greater extend than the vast majority of white Americans.

  2. why do white people tend to be blonde? why do arabs tend to have bigger noses? why are asians normally short?

    we are all humans, there really is no difference, but we have evolved to live in different climates and conditions. there for we have slightly different traits. its like Koi fish. they are all Koi, but because they are from different areas and conditions, they have different fin lengths, colors, temperments, ect. humans who originated (ancestor wise) in africa didn't evolve long lean muscle and height in their genetics for basketball. they evolved that way because they lived in hard conditions and needed the strength and speed to survive.

  3. don't see any difference

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