
Why do black people like fried chicken???

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Why do black people like fried chicken???




  1. they invented the recipe

  2. I like fried chicken and I am white, what do you think of that?

    Oh and a Jew....

  3. That's rather raciest. It's like asking why do white people think Taco Bell is authentic Mexican food?

  4. The same reason why white people like red meat! Because it's  what you like and taste good to you!

  5. Funny thing actually...

    I was working in a kitchen where people can come to get a free dinner. And you know what the meal that day was? Fried chicken... A black man walked by and I heard him clearly say how much he hated fried chicken, so there you go... lots of black people like fried chicken, and lots of white people like fried chicken. That is that.

  6. It's not a racial thing, it's mostly a southern thing. That's what people were raised on . Like most other southern foods, peas ,cornbread, fresh corn and tomatoes. I am white and like most  southern food. I don't know anybody up north or out west that eat alot of fried chicken. If they do that's okay to.

  7. racist much? cause they do, it tastes good.

  8. because they walk like chickens, they walk the walk

  9. white people like fried chicken too.  don't be so racist, you can offend people.  especially those who are biracial.  its not about what race you are, its about what you like.

  10. mmm chicken

  11. It has nothing to do with their race. I know many people from different racial backgrounds that like fried chicken.

  12. So are you trying to say you dont like fried chicken?

  13. watermelon someone?

  14. cuz there black.

  15. it is a reasonable price you can raise them even cheaper, they taste darne good if you know how to cook them it is a southern food  every one likes fried chicken

  16. cuz they wanted to get across the road

  17. why did you ask that?? that's disrispectfal in a way.. and fried chicken is sole food

  18. I'm half black, and I don't like friend chicken because it's greasy.

    However, I do happen to know that most of my black relatives like fried chicken. So, while it's a stereotype, it's partially true . . . as most stereotypes are.

    Black folk like soul food. It's really just that simple. :)

  19. Same reason that whites do: it tastes good...

  20. It's a stereotype because of the history of soul food... Not all black people LOVE fried chicken & not all people who like fried chicken are black. I'm not black and I love it.

  21. they do?

  22. cause it is good,i like fried chicken and I am white.

  23. Well I'm white and love fried chicken myself. Doesn't matter , it's tasty stuff !

  24. Stereotypical Racist b*****d!

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