
Why do black people on average hate g*y people?

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especially in jamaica...

You would think black people would be more welcoming,


same kind of discrimination from white people

same kind of hatred

same kind of prejudice...

The only major different is that it wasn't visual hatred, unless g**s dress like the stereotypical g*y man..

oh but at least g**s could hide the fact they were g*y to get the job, lol before sexual orientation discrimination laws came about!

""Oh and don't give me that bs about it being in the bible.. there are alot of things the stereotypical black male does that is forbidden in the bible (Stealing, adultery) .. ""




  1. I am not agaisnt them, I believe it is a sin to be homosexual as it is not the will of God, but I would love to hang out with one, they are funny. I have been friends with one in the past.

  2. i dont hate g**s

  3. i don't hate g*y people

    i just don't agree with the lifestyle

    EDIT: "chi-chi man battyboy" ?? i have honestly never heard that before

    you can't say on average because that is an understatement. show me the statistics then.

    you're basing this off of the few black people you know and maybe what you see on TV.

    yes, there are black men on the downlow, but trust me honey, they're not the only ones and until i see some statistics, i will continue to believe that black men are not the most ones on the downlow

  4. No ture a lot of blackmen are g*y!

  5. I think that the anti g*y sentiment in the Caribbean is a cultural thing and not because the people are mostly Black people. I find that Black people in general are far more accepting of all types of people and their issues. I think YOU are being stereotypical in your view of Black people, and take offense to your line that stereotypical Black males steal and are adulterers.

  6. I don't think it has anything to do with race.  Alot of white people don't like them either.

  7. because the countries in the caribbean like Haiti, Jamaica, Trinidad, and ect we do not accept g*y people.a man is born for a woman not for a man.

  8. I use to work at night at a warehouse in a g*y section of town that was full of g*y bars and clubs and I would say over half the people there were Black males including black cross dressers.  So I wouldnt say thats true. Maybe they in front of others says they hate g**s but once around g**s they pretty much do g*y stuff

  9. I'm black AND g*y.

  10. I cant respect a man that doesn't like boobies.

  11. Please dnt tell me that u think p***s + p***s or v****a + v****a is right?

    Men and Women are unmistakably designed for eachother.

    Look at our bodies. man + woman= harmony and creation.

  12. everyone in my family doesn't hate anyone. we were taught to believe that you should never hate anyone, I don't hate g*y people and neither does anyone in my family. I respect them, but I don't agree with them.

  13. blacks are the least likely to be homosexual. but your world view is limited hence your generalization.

  14. Okay, i think you should mean that everyone SHOULD hate them, because they're messed up in the head for deciding they would like to be with the same gender, that's just my opinion.

    so don't say it's just black people, cause it's other people

    too. even MOST. they just don't say anything like this to avoid

    getting in trouble. (I would never say this to someone in person btw)

  15. We're Christains...

    And its not just black people. Asians, arabs, latin America is against it too....European/whites are the lone voices of the world promoting homosexuality..

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