
Why do black people walk around rapping to themselves?

by  |  earlier

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I was not raised around blacks and when and I see them doing this all the time. When I asked some people at work why blacks walk around rapping they looked at me horrified. It is honestly just a question.




  1. That's just a generalization!! so every black person you've come across is always rapping?? Err i think Not!! Quit being ignorant!!

  2. not every black person does that, stupid. If someone is singing, or "rapping" obviously they like to.

  3. Ummm....

    Black people.

    The rapping is just music. Dont matter what color. It's like humming to youreself.

  4. ok well ask your self this do you walk around by yourself humming music? well thats thier way of humming they speak out loud they open up more than you would i guess lol =]

  5. Same reason white people walk around singing oldies or country or whatever their favorite music is... it is fun to do and it helps to pass the time.

  6. music is LIFE when you open up to it you feel amazing... serious, i'm assuming your uptight and self conscious... if you had confidence you'd be singing too.

    and fyi... stereotyping is lame.

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