
Why do black youth's despise "educated" blacks?

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In High School, I would remember black students looking down at educated blacks. It seems the black culture(In America it seems) in general hate education. And the ones that are educated are not really "black" If you think about it. Majority don't even have black friends,listen to rap,etc.. Idk It just seems this is the only race that has this problem.




  1. i think its because the black students wish they were as smart as the smart students and also hate them

  2. The educated black....takes away all excuses for failure.

    Those who are unwilling to do what it takes to succeed will always resent those who have done what it takes....

  3. Excuse me? Stereotyping is major sign of ignorance.

  4. Girlfriend, I don't know from under which rock you crowled out from, but you are saying all black people are uneducated, and that is so NOT true.

    After America just made history, with a BLACK man running for the highest office in America, and here you are talking c**p about black people being uneducated, If that was not a big statement for you, then you need to crawl back under the rock you came out from.

  5. Its never good to generalize, because all black youth do not despise education just like all white people do not kill, lie, or manipulate.

    The black youth that you may have encountered that hate education have bought into the media and the image that they show blacks as. they may imitate what they see in music videos movies or just in basic society.

    They are taught that to be cool you must do etc...... and if you dont you are acting white. This is a problem in other races as well. that is why the color line should be blurred and instead of seperating everyone and making everyone feel as if we're different from our neighbor, we must realize we are the same, with the same capabilities, and embrace ourselves, and challenge our mental capacity, and depth of knowledge.

    ( i am a black youth)

  6. ummmm excuse me what the h**l are u talkin bout wtf  how the  h**l would u even kno i am a black youth and i despise no one are you even black???????? who the **** are u to even ask something like this..........what do you think OBAMA is???? you think black youths hate him i am so digusted with this question

  7. It doesn't matter what race you are. Race is a socially devised way to divide persons. No matter what color, people will always be jealous of those who can obtain high standing in society than themselves. White, orange, purple, green - doesn't matter.

  8. I think it's a cultural thing. I don't hear any rappers out there rapping about how they finished school, went to college and got a job. It's usually about how they were on the streets, sold drugs, made money, got a rapping career and now drive nice cars and wear bling.... It gives the kids who listen to the music the idea school is lame and the streets make you tough.

  9. becasue then it doesnt give them an excuse to not go to college or get off their lazy butts and make something of their lifes.

  10. I'm a teacher and 100% of my "black" kids passed their state exams this year and without exception they were some of my best and brightest students.  In any group there are those who wish that others would not do so well so as to make their own lazy asses look better.

    I'm white and I faced this same issue in my classes at school.  Kids thought I was a nerd for wanting to do well and maybe they were right, but that was their problem.  I'm happy and wouldn't change a thing.  I suspect that all kids who do well in school feel that way, regardless of race.

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