
Why do blacks dress the way they do and talk the way they do?

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Why do blacks dress the way they do and talk the way they do?




  1. The morning computer thug out in full force. You are not racist you are just stupid as fck. funny as h**l though. You will serve as my entertainment this morning. Go on ask more more. Gimme more.

    Blacks dress they way they dress because they want to keep you asking these questions.

  2. this is a q***r if this culture is incorrect .but at the same time other cultures are so quick to copy this.especially the ones that ask this questions.this is one of these questions that make you go  hummm

  3. We don't all talk and dress the same.

    You can be from Europe and have a British accent and be black. You can be from L.A. and wear Southpole or Baby Phat and be black....You can also be from Ohio and wear band t-shirts and converse.

    We may have brown skin in common, but we are still individuals with different personalities, different backgrounds, different life styles, different CHOICES of how we choose to dress.

    It makes you feel powerful to hate. You need to change so you can make some friends.

  4. wow ur a racist *****

    we black are who we are u can't change that

    and we dress the way we want to because it's a free world


  5. Wow.. it's called style


  6. "Why do blacks dress the way they do and talk the way they do?"

    Well I wear Hollister because I think it's cute---waaaait you meant, "Why am I so rascist and think all black people dress like thugs?", right?

    sorry, can't answer your question.  

  7. Its called swagger honey, and if your men had it they'd be tapping some coochie every night too.

  8. wow your stupid and my friend is black and is preppy, plus the thug look is just a trend like emo, and other stupid ideas like goth. Stop looking at blacks and worry about your own life and don't you know were at war still??

    Plus not just blacks do it, and other countries also...blacks are trend setters, did you know they were the ones who invented rock?

  9. I guess black people, just like everybody else, tend to dress by going to their wardrobe and selecting the clothes they most want to wear - or think will be most suitable for the things they are going to be doing that day - from the ones they own. As for why they talk the way they do, again, like everybody else, that would be partly imitating their parents, partly imitating their friends, and partly imitating the role models they see in life and on TV.  

  10. Why do you care......have u been fkn a black guy again...

  11. In the United States of American there are several regions of the country where people speak, dress, and express social norms differently compared to other parts of the country.  The way we speak, dress and express social norms may depend on where we live, work, and go to school.  Your question could have been  better phrased to avoid all of the hate responses.

  12. I wasn't aware that they all dressed or talked the same. 50+ years and never even noticed. Could it be that as a race they may just be more cultured and proud than most self rightous whites?

  13. you judge a few by one race see this is why people call you racist! and there is no explanation for why people are who they are

  14. As if an ethnicity dressed the same all over the world.  You could have asked, "Why do whites dress the way they do and talk the way they do?" What a ridiculous question.

    Let's send you to Congo and let you ask the blacks there that question... you speak French or Congonese?

  15. here  you go..

    .....racist is the best way to descibe you... the answer to your last questioin.

  16. its just a style

  17. The question is a no brainer!

    The same reason EVERYONE  dresses  the way the do and talk the way they talk. Different reasons for every individual.

    Can you be more specific?

  18. Well..I speak English and I like wearing jeans and cool blouses..

    Hmm..not sure why I'm pretty much just like anyone else..


  19. The same reason other people dress and talk the way they do, personal preference.

  20. Hmmm, of all races, why are you only singling out black people? And just so you know, skin color doesn't determine how you dress and talk.

  21. huh. now all blacks have a specific way of dressing.ugh. why do you even care, since you HATE blacks so much.? :O


  22. Why do people ask idiotic questions?

  23. i am black and i speak well i am 100% hollister fan, never been to the ghetto and i love my fellow blacks! don't put us in category... because not all blacks dress and speak alike. you obviously don't have a lot of black friends

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