
Why do blacks generally not tip?

by Guest60709  |  earlier

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During college I delivered pizza and blacks hardly EVER tipped. I know many waiters who say the same thing.

I was wondering if anyone else could confirm my experience and explain why blacks do not like to tip their waiters, pizza delivery guy, etc?




  1. I find that completely wrong and stereotypical. A lot of white people don't tip as well.  I think it depends on the area you live in and what the people there can afford.  I don't think it has anything to do with the color of your skin.  Some black people are quite wealthy and so are some white people, as  some black people can't afford to tip nor can some white people.

  2. part of slavery pay back

  3. What a racist thing to say i know a bunch of whites who dont tip y should we tip u for delivering a pizza u get tipped wen u get paid so shut up a*****e

  4. Wow... what a question.

    I am a college student and I have been serving for 5 years at the wage of $3.35/hour..... I gotta say... with that low of an hourly and our economy as it is I get really frustrated when people do not tip, or do not tip an adequate amount... but I never racially/socially/economically generalize non tippers into a group.    It's just as likely that I'll get a 10% tip from a well to do person (who got great service)  who doesn't know any better as it is for me to get a bad *** tip from the person (whatever race) that comes in without much.

    I find a lot of servers that think one group of people are bad tippers....

    I work in a bar now and a lot of servers complain about Hispanic individuals...   When I worked at a Chinese restaurant some servers would complain about Asians....

    It's ridiculous.... we are all just humans... some people tip and some people just don't understand... it has nothing to do with "race".

    On a side note...... in a right to work state like the one I live in servers make $3.35/hour and we DO get taxed on all of our tips.... my paychecks are usually for about $20...... so whoever you are... take care of your servers!!!! A lot of us are college students trying to move forward with their lives! :)

  5. ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww..................

  6. Maybe they feel they don't .owe you any thing. Ask them why  Just say " hey man, why no tip?" That is how we get answers.

  7. WOW. That is an unbelievably bold, ballzy question!!

    I am pretty sure you are white and I have to say that since you are white you don't really notice when "your kind" does rude things like this.  It is the same as black people mostly noticing and verbalizing the faults of white people and mexican people doing the same to blacks and whites. You are not going to normally c**p on your own race.  Would you ask the question;  Why do white people generally order tortillas and butter at mexican restaurants so they get something pretty much free and leave a quarter tip?

    Seriously. Find something wrong with your own race before asking such a blunt question you know is going to get people all angry.

  8. Maybe the people who didn't tip were not happy with your service. Very stereotypical of you.

  9. Because thay are pretending to be white? (kidding)

    This is quite a sharp glowing stick of a question poked in the tender soft underbelly, surely...  

    Everybody regardless of their colour or creed for that matter  has the option to tip or not for the service they get.

    If the pay was good enough you wouldnn't need to survive on the good mood of others to get by. Its a tough job to do

  10. Maybe because they can sense that you are racist? I was a server for 10 years and it all evens out. There are great tippers who are black and horrible tippers who are black. The same goes for every race.

  11. It seems to be a cultural thing.  even a lot of black people will admit they don't tip, or not very heavily.  I'm not sure how this is a racist question.  even stereotypes are built upon a small ounce of truth, it doesn't mean you can apply it to everyone all the time.


  13. A lot of white people don't tip either. I don't think it's a matter of them being black!!!

  14. im surprised they can afford a pizza

  15. I have deliverd pizza the past couple of years and I don't agree with your statement. Black peope seem to tip just as well as any other race of people I have encountered.

    In my experience people who live in lower income areas tend to tip less regardless of race. I have received many generous tips from black people. Please don't stereotype an entire race based on the actions of a few.

  16. I am just going to throw this out there but I think it is because they generally can't afford to go out in the first place.  There has been a lot of progress for blacks in our country but generally on average a black man probably makes less than a white woman.  Plus blacks are hardly ever put in job position, by white restaurant owners,  where they would get tipped so they haven't the slightest clue that you are working for half the normal minimum wage and your salary depends a lot on tips.  You're restaurant may be an exception but from my experience the white people were up front and the black people were in the back.  You know how many times I have seen a black pizza delivery guy?  Once, maybe twice, and I have worked in 4 different pizza joints.  From your obvious bigotry, I would say that there are no black people working with you at your restaurant.  If there are any, ask them if they get tips from black people if you haven't already.   I can tell you why Japanese don't tip also.  It is because in Japan they pay their workers so well that they actually get offended when you tip them.  

    BTW  give me all the thumbs down you want but I am simply giving my honest opinion.  It wouldn't make any sense for me to be racist.  My great grandmother is Seminole Indian, my half brother is half black, and my fiance is half Asian and half Hispanic.  My grandfather remarried to a Japanese woman who had 2 half Japanese daughters.  I would have to hate nearly everyone in my family.

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