
Why do blacks think Bill and Hillary are our saviors?

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I am an African Amerian male. I have often wondered why do my ethnic group thinks the Clintons are God sent. As a person who excelled in college; I realize that the beauty of an education taught me how to think. This means I am not to be pigeonholed into believing that I should vote for a democrat SIMPLY because I am black. Equally, I am not to be pigeonholed into believing that White Republicans are evil and White Democrats are next to Jesus. Somewhere, we fell off the wagon and bumped our heads. Listen, Hillary is not your sister!! Bill is a country boy who has gotten the ride of a lifetime, and Hillary is a lying spoiled brat who has demaned that things go her way since birth. It is time that we stop the dumb stuff!!. The Clintons are not in love with us negroes any more than they are with hispanics. They are using La Raza as a means to an end.

As blacks, we must stop looking for masters. The Clintons' now have illegals to work on their plantations.




  1. Dude, I would gladly vote for you for president. Amen, Amen and Amen !!!

  2. All I know is that when Bill Clinton was in office my family was flourishing finanancially. A few years after Bush became president everything went down the drain and I was a Bush supporter. My mother lost a job of 8 years because they had to cut back. My Stepfather has been cut hours in a job that he has worked at 27 years. There were new jobs added to the market when Bush became president. Low paying, low wage, no benefits in these jobs. IF I had to pick staying in the Bush era or the Clinton era I would definately picked Clinton. And I was one of the people who voted for Bush instead of Gore thinking Bush would be better. Boy was I wrong.


  4. Like far too many politicians, the Clintons are opportunists. They have found support in the black community and they'll ride it as far as they can for as long as they can.

    I didn't like Hillary the first time she was president....

  5. Good marketing..(on Bill and Hillary's part)...Great new friend...

  6. Rocking good question. Hillary will play up the victim angle. That is, the problems that most blacks have are caused by white people, not because they made bad choices, like voting for democrats who won't allow school vouchers which would help many inner city minorities whose kids are trapped in mediocre public (government) schools. In one sense the problems are caused by white people - white liberals that is. May I suggest the book  below, it is an excellent read.

  7. Okay, aside for the condescending tone and your blatantly inflated ego due to a few years in college, I would say that I agree with you for the most part. Now if you could only work on your delivery...

  8. you are right.  I am not black, but i have black friends who I have been talking to about this, and they do realize that the Clintons are just as bad as the Bushes.

  9. The Clintons are good economists on paper and it is the reason why the Blacks wanted them since they are of help to their situations.  However, a deeper study would show that they are just in for their votes.

    VOTE for your choice as US President on my 360 degrees blog and know who will likely win.

  10. I suppose its for the same reason evangelicals think George is a saint.  You are sold a bill of good for so long and by so many people you trust, you figure they must be right so you ignore your own misgivings and join the congregation.

    But there is only so much any one person can do, George or Bill,  they can't do for you what you have to do for yourself, black, white, brown yellow or red.

    Abortion and same s*x marriage aren't determined by the federal government, they are state laws.  All the posturing you hear is just that.  And there is more to Christs message than s*x, its about love and inclusion and caring.  I don't understand why the Republicans leave that out and talk about teaching someone to fish, if you are asking an eighty four year old woman to go fishing for her dinner or starve, well, thats awfully cold.  It would be different if any candidate, of either party was not a millionaire, but they all are the results of privilege except for Edwards, he was the first in his family to graduate from college. No silver spoon there. But the rest of then are upper middle class or way, way, above, so if Hillarys being a spoiled brat,( which by the way shes not) then she has plenty of company in that rareified group.

    So theres not much point in making a point of her family history, they are all alike there.

    I do think you insult other black people when you imply that working in the Clinton offices is the same as working on a plantation.  A job is a job is a job.  And not one of those southern Republicans would even think twice about blacks if it wouldn't get them a vote or two.

  11. It was   Hillary that sold us out to China for a few pieces of silver.Why did Vince Foster Die?Why did Clinton give Black Caucus $400,000,000 to shut up about Ron Brown Death no autopsy?. What papers did Sandy Berger put down his pants ? Why

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