
Why do boats have bows?

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Especially the pointed tips on the front of the boat. Can't they make boats in almost a box shape?




  1. the shape cuts the water / waves

    making the ride smoother.

  2. Allows them to cut through the water.........but they do make flat front boats... i.e. a flat bottom boat

  3. The bow streamlines the boat, enabling it to travel through the water faster.

    Barges are rectangular. Barges also have flat bottoms.

    A boat can have either a flat or a rounded bottom, or be somewhat triangular in shape.

    A small, rectangular, flat-bottom boat is called a punt.

  4. Think of it like a car or truck. A boat has a Bow (front), a Stearn (back) a right side called starboard (passenger side), and a left side called port (drivers side). These terms are used as you would be in the boat facing forward to the bow. The bow of the boat can add or take away from fuel consumption. The bow can have a lot to do with the way a boat handles in the water. A boat with more of a v shaped hull will turn in a shorter radius than say a flat bottom boat. In Alaska boats used for fishing carry different names. Such as a bow Seineer which back hauls it sein from the bow. Then you have stern seiners that back haul there net from the rear. Crab fishing boats haul there pots from the starboard side. Hope this has helped some.

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