
Why do both my desktop and laptop keep losing internet connection?

by  |  earlier

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Ever since i bought a Belkin router my desktop computer keeps on losing internet connection ever few min's.What can i do to fix this?




  1. well they both lose connection because they're both most likely hooked up to the same connnection so if the desktop goes out so does the laptop. make sure that everything is hooked up in the right spots.

  2. Check your connections at the router, make sure they're tight.

    Call the cable company or whoever is providing your internet service, might be a line problem.  (My internet kept dropping out because squirrels had chewed into the cable - didn't affect the TV signal much but played havoc on the internet signal.)

  3. Download the current firmware version for your router.  Belkin is not a great router manufacturer and it might just be a bad router.  Also, the ethernet cable might be fault and need replacement.

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