
Why do boxers and fighters abstane from s*x?

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does that include masterbation




  1. They Abstain Because They Smell Bad

  2. Some follow it, some don't, its personal preference and has no medical basis.

    The 's*x saps your strength' thing was used by coaches to scare the fighter into staying away from women before fight night.

    That way a young virile fighter is not out partying all night or staying up late with his girl(or getting in arguments with her and losing focus, which is always a coaches worst nightmare!) before the day of the fight.

    The abstinence issue was irrelevant but its the easiest way to eliminate a lot of the above.

  3. I had the opposite impression that they were the ones getting s*x all the time.  They probably abstain from s*x before fights though, so they don't get soft and tossed around by the opponent but most people don't believe that.  The reason for abstaining is that it'll probably help them concentrate and keep their focus on their opponent and tactics.

  4. An old wives tale about it sapping their energy and strength. Total nonsense.

  5. As silly as it sounds, the reason is protien.  Every time a man ejaculates, the amount of protien that he loses is significant.  I do not recall off the top of my head how much, but it would take something like a dozens eggs and a 16oz porterhouse steak to replenish the protien that you lose.

    So yes it applies to masturbation as well.

    My feeling is that it really has minimal effect.  I have never heard a fighter say, 'He was a good opponent, I give him all the credit, but had my gf/wife not worn me out last night you would have seen a different fight'


  6. That' an urban legend. The rumor is that you lose your stamina when having s*x (yes, that includes spanking the monkey)  before a fight. But there is no medical proof for that.

  7. No It Does Not Include The Big M.  Of Course It Would.  No s*x Is No s*x

    They think It Makes Them Stronger

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