
Why do boys like to play with action figures?

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Why do boys like to play with action figures?




  1. That's as same as asking "Why do girls like to play with Barbie Dolls?"

  2. Because some boys play with them because they think that they are cool and that I bet you that the action figure that they are playing with is their hero. That is the only thing that kids can imagne in so they can create battle scenes.

  3. Boys, when left to themselves with other boys, will engage in rough and tumble play, display aggressive behavior, and occasionally fight for dominance amonst each other.  For many years now, our society has decided that what has been the natural thing for boys to do for the past 10 or 15 thousand years is wrong, and are therefore kept from engaging in that behavior.  But somehow, the action figure for boys is more socially acceptable, and therefore boys tend to be drawn to the type of action figure that more closely resembles their subconsious natural behavior, and project that behavior via the action figure.  Although it's somewhat hard to accept, it would actually be better just to let the boys give each other black eyes now and then, rather than repress the natural instinct that manifests itself later in life.  There is one theory floating around that the level of violence in late teens/early adults is a result of this early childhood repression of natural behavior.

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