
Why do boys wear panties?

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  1. Guest10718

    im a boy ilove wearing cute girls pink panties  ilove yellow ones blue ones hanna motanna ones Disney ones    high school musical princess ones

  2. Guest129

    panties are so cute I  love wearing pink white ones    lots of colours  there  so cute to wearim  waring cute white ones with little flowers onthere so cute any girls want to see my panties they can

  3. Guest129

    IM A BOY ILOVE WEARING GIRLS PANTIES  ILOVE  wearink pink ones ilove wearing hanna motanna panties  princess ones     Disney panties    high school musical ones hello kitty ones  ihave lots of really cute white  pink ones

  4. Richard

    Seriously? You have to ask? I'm sure many boys/men will justify it by saying they fit better or are more comfortable but the simple answer is the soft fabric feels good next to the male genitalia. In other words, "my d**k gets hard". It's mostly sexual. If mens underwear was made from the same fabrics and colors we would undoubtedly not have as much of a cross-dressing issue. Oh it would still be there. Some guys would simply get a rise from wearing the other gender's clothing. But for the most part it's all about the arrousal with the fabrics. At least for me anyway.

  5. Panties are more comfortable then boys underwear and there are more choices in style and color too.

  6. The extreme comfort difference between men's and women's underwaer is obvious. I think that for most males who wear panties there is more than comfort. Panties feel s**y. Girls look and feel s**y in panties, why shouldn't guys get to feel that way too? ernseek tion

  7. Because they seem like boy's brief. When I was boy, I accidentally wore girl's panties. My mom bought them because they were not looked like feminine. White cotton without lace or feminine seemed for boy except that there were crotch for girls' discharge and crotch too narrow.

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  9. My mom and my sisters dress me as a girl because i keep getting into trouble at the boys school.Mom has taken all my clothes into her room and replaced them with clothes that my sisters have grown out of. She ahs bought panties and nappies for me, the nappies being for nightime as she says I play with myself in just a nightie and make a mess of my nightie. Her rule is that after school I must come straight home and change into what ever clothes are on my bed then let my sisters check I'm properly dressed( this means they lift my dress or skirt to see what panties I have on, they just love to embarass me especially if they have friends round) Mom said if i refused to do as they say she will spank me daily in front of them then keep me in nappies for the school summer holidays. I hate my sisters teasing and my moms rules and the plastic panties she has started to put on me at night, she's making me into a baby girland i hate it

  10. I am a boy and my sister takes me shopping and buys undies for me since I used to steal them and she found out and tied me up and I love them I have 40 pairs

  11. i wears it coz it fitting is nice and i feel comfertable. it also comes in differents colours and patterns

  12. because they are ill , and they biologicaly dont know that they have diregulated them self from there natural arousal , blouddy h**l ,my vision  says that i have a great hard on when i see a girl naked ( a girls skin and slim body shape moving and talking affectionately to me  ) and again a girl who have a weaker gines then me ,
    not when i see panties silk or what ever , the devil come strait and want me
    to f**k my self with weard and self distructing imagination , well the only able to drive at that perticular moment is a the devil, lets take the example of a bull when exeposing a red moving material at his site would drive hime mad ,
    they need help with regaining ther true persone , its dificult and bitter and possible  email .

  13. They are comfortable which boys underwear are uncomfortable and itchy. Plus there jealous because some girl panties are made of cotton which are very soft and comfortable. I wore my sisters' panties

  14. boys wear girls pantys because they feel good. plus when a boy wears pantys and sits down to pee like a girl- it feels great

  15. Because they like them, simple as that. They are so s**y. I wear nylon high cuts because they hold things in. It's nobody's business what one wears.

  16. I love to wear panties.  They fit much better, come in many styles and colors.  The different fabrics alone are awesome.  I have only started in the last year wearing full time, but have been wearing off and on (no pun intended) for the past 15 years.  If it fits and you like it,make it so!!!!

  17. when i was 7 my mom and sister made me wear dresses and panties because i acted bad,,,, and every time i got in trouble thet put me dresses..... now im 15 and still wearing them

  18. there super cormfatable.

  19. I've been wearing girls panties since I was 13, my mothers, sisters, mothers friends, my friends, cousins, "borrowed" from appartment laurdry rooms, found some at the airport.  I still wear them for my wife and I buy all her panties for her.  One of my favorite activites is to go through a quiet drive through late at night wearing only a bra and panties, I get some wild reactions.

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