
Why do british people love the queen when we know she hates us?

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would prefer britain was without a monarch




  1. Do we? Who said so?

  2. I don;t know many Brits that like the royals. I think that was a bit of a generalisation on your part.

  3. You leave it to us Brits to decide whether we want an alternative to a Monarchy.  I have seen that countries who historically were part of the British Empire, especialy in Africa nave,  now,  or at some time turned on their own people. Brits probably wouldn't want a Bush type president, for every good reason.  I hope the monarchy go on working behind the scenes for trade and diplomacy and world peace for a long time.  They bring in tourists by the million.  Because of their marrying historically in to all the leading monarchies in Europe, they have many personal friends - also in the Arab nations.  Do not underestimate the power of the Queen - even if not written in to any constitution, I believe the loss of the British Monarchy could lead to the eventual downfall of the U.K. as a whole, and the Commonwealth, and former colonies still love her. We enjoy a democracy and have freedom of speech which cannot be said for many countries.

  4. How do you 'know' she hates you? What makes you think that? I never have noticed that signs that she hates the  people of Britain. She's not a melodramatic, emotional soundbite kind of person but that doesn't mean she hates the public. It just means she's not a media ho.

  5. How do you know that the Queen hates us?  and what makes you think an elected head of state would like us any better?

  6. i LOVE British Royal Family even I'm not European or American!!

  7. You're stupid. British people love her because she is a great ruler. I'm American, and it seems like England's government is way more efficient than ours.

  8. Why do you tolerate inherited privilege? We Americans have enough trouble with the Kennedys. Why would you British want to have a family that is OFFICIALLY entitled to everything they want?

  9. The queen has never said or even intimated that she hates us..or even you.And the really great thing about having a monarchy is that we can criticise it to out heart's content without having to face up to the fact that we have only ourselves to with an elected head of state.

  10. You are talking rubbish, how can you possibly know what the Queen likes or dislikes?I love my Queen and so do most people I know,do not generalise your own opinions as fact.

  11. Asking an unfounded,ill informed question like yours,could be one reason why the queen would hate you,if she hated anyone.

  12. The Queen has never said she hates anyone. She never gives her opinion on anything.

    I like having a monarchy beats having a self seeking politician any day.

  13. The British have great affection for their Head of State, and prefer to have a monarch rather than a politician, in this position.

  14. Go away.

  15. We, Brits have a great afection for our monarch. And, who told you, she hates us?

    Would you like to see her around town like a common housewife?

  16. The queen loves the british people fool,

    if she hated us she would never leave the palace.

    We love the queen as she is the embodiment of 'britishness' a symbol of how great we are, she is an effective head of state who works d**n harder than the people who sit on their **** and critisise her!

    If britian wanted change, then we will choose it!

    But after nearlyy 1000 years of britsish monarchy (apart from the civil war which was in 1600's) of monacrhy i dont think we need a change.

    Leave our affairs to us.

  17. I don't know that she hates us. Where, exactly, do you get this info from?

  18. why do you say that the Queen "hates us"

    I guess a better question is why do you feel anyone hates you?

    If she really did "hate us" she could say "the heck ' with this and go off and do something she preferred

    I hope that you have a better day

  19. Well, we don't know that the Queen hates.

    I am not sure how you would know anything to the contrary, either.

    The British have great affection for their Head of State, and prefer to have a monarch rather than a politician, in this position.

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