
Why do bus drivers wave at each other?

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I was on the metro and noticed the driver sorta lifting his arm when he saw another driver going down on the other side of the street.

I was wondering why bus drivers do this, and if there is a special reason or something behind it?




  1. It's a courtesy or acknowledgment.

    Whilst I've noticed co-workers (bus drivers for the same company) do it, I've also noticed many will acknowledge drivers from other companies or evendifferent types of transport (such as a train driver).

  2. It's a requirement in their union contract to acknowledge and wave to fellow drivers.

  3. Common courticy to raise your hand and wave at another bus driver.

  4. they are all FLAMERS !!!

  5. its called being nice. everyone down here waves at anyone.

  6. They're co-workers.

    If you're walking down the hall and you see your co-worker, wouldn't you say hi?

  7. It's like a big family.  They are all doing the same job, having some of the same people on their buses, and maybe have coffee together before they start their routes.  My husband was a bus driver in a city once and they did it too.  People in the south do that sometimes in certain areas.  We just wave whether we know each other or not.  Just friendly .

  8. It's a thankless job, traffic, weather, the public. Only another driver can really appreciate what they go thru. They are really saying I am not alone.  

  9. maybe they work with the same company and they know each other

  10. Great answer for Jeeps, I always wonder why some people are so fast to think someone is a's their first thought.  Hmmm.  Anyway, Cassidy nailed it.  I drive part-time and can't imagine bus-driving full time.  We save the other drivers 20 cars worth of traffic each, and they show their appreciation by being ignorant on the road.  The only breaks we get will be from other buses or often trucks.

  11. to say hi

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