
Why do campers/caravanners fly kites/flags on large poles?

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Why do campers/caravanners fly kites/flags on large poles?




  1. Caravanners???? The only place I ever hear the word Caravanners used was in Great Britain..... They were modern gypsies and pulled campers with them as they moved from place to place ----- We called them Pikeys.......

  2. I think because of the british weather in "summer" it's in case of snow drifts, so they know where to start digging.............or perhaps in case of low flying jets on the high ground.

  3. So they can be noticed. They forget they are towing a darn great box on wheels. It also assists after the pub in the caravan park to find the right van with your beer specs on.

  4. The historical origin of flags dates back to around 1000 BC, when the Egyptians used primitive versions of flags - some were even made out of wood or metal. Flags were originally used for the purpose of identification or to signal to others

  5. So they can find their way back to their tent/caravan when staggering back after an evening on the beers I believe.

  6. A reference point so they can find their tent or caravan in a busy field .

  7. And your hunting question is?

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    Its not rocket science is it.

  8. markers for there camper/caravan. they all look alike you know. sometimes at night the shape of a kite or a barely visible image on a flag can determine the difference of hopping in bed or in jail for breaking an entering.

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