
Why do canned juices contain 11.5 ounces rather than the usual 12?

by  |  earlier

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Every juice I've seen in a soda can has 11.5 ounces. Why is that? Would it kill them to add a half ounce of juice to the can?




  1. They do this with all kinds of products.  The bottom line is this... if they can sell you slightly less product, just enough that most people wouldn't notice, for the same price then they will.  Keep a tab on some common products and over the course of years you will notice this decline.

  2. I have worked in the beverage business, and it has to do with ensuring you have filled the can/jar/bottle with the minimum amount required.  There is a governmental agency (weights & measures) that does random checking on all consumer products, to make sure you have filled/packed your product with at least the amount listed on the label.  Especially when you consider production lines filled at 100+ bottles per minute, it is a challenge to make sure the volume is met.

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