
Why do car manufacturers make hybrid and electric cars ugly?

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It seems as though most hybrid and/or electric cars built by the big manufacturers are very ugly to look at. Why is this? One could almost get the impression that they don't want them to sell.




  1. they don't anymore. but before they did make them quite ugly for some weird reason.

  2. ita all about fuel economy, the more aerodynamic the shape, the better the gas mileage. thats why they get 50 mpg, if they were shapes like regular cars the mileage would be alot lower, and the wow factor would be gone.i think part of it was also, you know exactly what car it is when you see it, and get people talking about it its free advertising! the old ones are hidious, but the new technology in car emmissions,and everyone making them, they can lessen the ugliness out of them and fight for the best looking one. go figure

  3. Well I don't know about most other electric cars, but I'd suggest you check this lil number out.  Http://  It's not on sale yet,  but should hopefully be soon.

  4. they aren't ugly, they look for innovative. New Style. Get used to it. Buy one

  5. For a typical hybrid car, automotive designers are forced to fit a very large battery somewhere into the chassis.  The size of the battery limits the design options a car company may  have to make their car look as sleek as their standard cars.  Once newer (and smaller) battery techologies are developed, hybrid cars will start to look sleeker.

  6. The Toyota  Prius is shaped for low drag, sorta like an airplane or helicopter.  The shape allows it to move through the air without needing as much energy as a more box shaped car.

  7. Your question doesn't make much sense to me.

    Most hybrids look identical to the non-hybrid model version.  The only hybrid that looks different is the Prius, because it has no non-hybrid version, and is designed that way in order to make it the most aerodynamic car on the road, which is part of the reason it's got the best fuel economy available.

    The Civic hybrid looks like the Civic, the Explorer hybrid looks like the Explorer, the Camry hybrid looks like the Camry, etc. etc.

    As for EVs, for one thing again they have to make them aerodynamic, and there's not a big market for new technology anyway, so they're trying to make the cars appealing by making them look 'futuristic' or 'cool'.  What you think is 'ugly' another person will think looks cool.

    That being said, if you want a standard (some might call boring) looking EV, there is the Miles Javlon and Phoenix SUT:

  8. Ugly? the Minority Report Lexus compared to an SUV (slow ugly vehicle)?

    electric enables a much greater flexibility of design, batteries can be placed under the floor pan, to give better weight distribution, no need for radiators or exhaust or transmission systems

    It is in part because they are usually low volume producers without design teams or access to robot assemly lines that can make much more complex shapes.

  9. functionality for the most part.  but i bet they also do it so they do not gain too much popularity.  if you have ever seen the movie "Who Killed the Electric Car", the oil industry is just too big and profitable to give it up.  it would be like mcdonalds going from what they sell now to only organic healthy food that is smaller in portions

  10. Tell you what, at 55mpg, my so called "ugly" Prius is a work of art. At $3.20 a gallon, ego is not getting in my way. All you gas-guzzlers enjoy the ride!

  11. I think it is because most manufactures are out of touch with the population.  I have wanted to buy a new car for 3 years but cannot find any that compare to my prelude in style.  I would love a hybrid or fuel cell car, but they are uglier than the ugly normal cars they are making now.

  12. becouse thay have a slitely bigger battery  im sure of it but ive seen some ok ones and look smart. i just think a lot ov the desings on motors ov today look bit wonky anyway theres plenty ov ugly non high bred cars out there.

  13. Primarily, car manufacturers have determined that the only people interested in these toys are people who don't like cars and are only interested in them as a necessity.  So they design them to be functional, not pretty.

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