
Why do cars have speedometres that go up to atleast 130 when you legally can't drive that fast on any road?

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Why do cars have speedometres that go up to atleast 130 when you legally can't drive that fast on any road?




  1. Marketing, people like to think they have a fast car.

  2. so you can get a nice fat ticket for speeding. and the state can rack up on all the speeding tickets people have to pay. some for going 48 in a 45. its a conspiracy. thank goodness for the autobahn.

  3. because, there are those of us who have no regard for speed limits, but we do like to know how fast we are going....also, we may chose to use the vehicle in competition events....but, if you do not like them, just tape over the higher numbers, leave those of us who are normal alone...

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