
Why do cars in the uk have the steering wheel on the right??

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Why do cars in the uk have the steering wheel on the right??




  1. because they drive on the left side of the road, same as here in australia. the reason its this way? i have no clue.

  2. Because thats the RIGHT Side to drive from, its the same in Australia.

  3. The Brits invented driving.  It is all the other places that have the problem.

    It actually derives from the practice of driving horse drawn coaches.  The drivers of those sat on the right side of the coach.

  4. Because we drive on the left and its most time illegal to overtake on your left hence you are more likely to look on your right side. Also at junctions it is easy to turn onto left roads as you are already on the left side but to turn to the right side you have to cross the right side of the road ie oncoming traffic so having your steering wheel on the right makes it easier to judge your movements at junctions if you want to turn right.

    So its because

    We drive on the left

    Overtake mostly on the right

    Have to cross the opposite side of the road to turn right

  5. Because they drive on the left, like in most other civilized countries

  6. beause they drive on different sides of the road, so they need the steering wheel on the right hand side.  

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