
Why do cats always put their butt in your face?

by Guest58688  |  earlier

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Seriously, my friend was wondering why when cats get on your lap, they turn their butt toward you, and just stand there.

His cat does it to him, me, and his mom.




  1. Hi. My cat does that too. It is actually a sign of love and affection towards you. If your cat sticks it tail up in the air and shakes it, it means it loves you.  

  2. i wish i knew too,mine always do it after she has had a fuss,she turns round and sticks her butt in my face,maybe its a cat thing they smell each others butts so as we are the owners we have to smell theirs so we know they are our cats.



    (") (")

    Kit Cat is my name, because,

    I like my paw's better than my toes.

    Two things you have to remember about cats.

    Cats have cats.

    And Cats, have a "mind" of their own.

  3. I wish I knew the answer... All of mine do this!  Sometimes I wonder if it is because when they are most apt to do it I am just watching TV or talking to a friend in the room and if they face toward me, they can't see anything!

  4. Sniffing the tail "area" is the way that animals communicate with each other.  The cat is trying to let you know that he trusts you, and give you the chance to "check him out".

  5. It is a way of your cat to show that they are comfy around you. Notice that when animals meet each other for the first time, they sniff one another's booty? Get used to it because your animal will not stop. Do not punish the cat either.  

  6. are we supposed to know???

  7. My cat does that too. He's sat on my face before as well. It's his whole "king of the house" attitude talking. :)

  8. I noticed that when you rub their back their *** goes into the air (I think George Carlin talked about this once too).  

  9. Because "MOM" cleaned it off for them.  Human owners take the place of Mom, so the cat just goes along with what they'd normally do with their mother.

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