
Why do cats circle the spot that they are going to lay on?

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when ever my cats lie down they always circle the spot before they lie down, why?




  1. want to get just the right spot

  2. lol my cat doesn't do that

    oddly enough both my dogs do lol

  3. It's to do with their wild ancestry. Cats, and many other four-legged animals, walk round and round on the spot to flatten whatever plants they're about to bed down on. It's such a habit it's actually in their genes now, which is why you'll see a dog or cat circle round even when there's nothing to flatten. Also they do it to make sure they don't lie down on anything sharp or with bumps.


  4. they're marking their territory. You can't see this, but they're spraying all over it. Spray as in Pee.


  5. Its in a cats nature. Mine does it too, I'm guessing it wants a precise x-axis angular laying position, or maybe its making sure its comfortable.

  6. Probably because cats, being creatures of habit, started doing it when they saw their momma do it. Out in the wild cats have to walk in a little circle to press down the grass and weeds where they will lie.

    Something in their genes ;-))

  7. They are picky.

  8. It a instinctual habit cats have to damp down the leaves and weeds into a nest.  Many animals in the wild continue to do this when getting ready to "nest down" for the night (that's where the saying came from)

  9. They do this to determine and lay with their nose toward whichever direction scents from approaching animals, etc will most likely come from.

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