
Why do cats hate it when you pick them up to kiss and hug them?

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Why do cats hate it when you pick them up to kiss and hug them?




  1. I've only owned one cat that has let me do that even a little bit. Generally, cats don't want to do anything unless they have complete control over the situation.

    I have a kitten right now and I handle him as much as I can, but he has never liked it. Just make sure that when your cat is calm, you handle its ears and paws to make it at least accepting of that.

  2. Dear, cats got different characters.. some cat love to be kiss, some of them not.  

  3. If the cat is yours, then usually they love to be cuddled, but hey, cats have their own agenda, and can be soooooo

  4. This reminds me of the cartoon where the big giant picks up the cute little animal and squeezes the life out of it and says, "I will love him and pet him... I shall call him George."

    Cats like their own space. They hate feeling restrained or intruded on, (which is exactly what picking them up, squeezing them and kissing their faces does). If you want to show affection, let them come to you and pet them, give them back scratches in a way they enjoy too. When petting a cat, use only one hand; even petting a cat with both hands can make them feel overwhelmed and nervous.

  5. They don't hate you.  They just don't feel secure when picked up.  Of course there are always those cats who don't mind being picked up at all.  My cat doesn't like being picked up either.  That's just the way it is.  Guess they just what all fours on the floor.  

    Our pets will always let us know what their likes and dislikes are. If you want to kiss your cat a kiss and hug, maybe you should get down on your cats leavel.  Your cat will probably love a hug and a kiss and a romp on the floor.  Have fun with those love hugs and kisses.

  6. my cat loves it!!!!

  7. Hi.. It really depends on how the cat was treated since young. All my lovelies love hugs and kisses.I practised these habits since they were little kittens. If I forget to cuddle them, they will remind me by coming up to me, brush and l**k my face.

    If your cat hate it, then go for the softer approach, when he/she is resting, stroke the head gently, scratch behind its ear etc and whisper nice stuffs... They'll understand.  

  8. Cats hate being confined. Being petted is nice--petting is sort of like being licked--but being hugged is not. It feels restraining, suffocating--primates enjoy being hugged because their mothers carry them in their arms as infants, so it's natural to feel safe and happy when being  hugged, but this kind of behavior is totally alien to cats, who lack opposeable thumbs and the ability to hold things. So the closest thing a cat has for a frame of reference is an attack by a predator, such as a wolf or a bird of prey, which grabs with teeth or claws and obviously means the cat harm; even though you aren't trying to scare the cat, the situation is triggering a deep-rooted fear that makes the cat nervous and uncomfortable.

    As for kissing... when cats l**k each others' faces they move slowly and they are fully relaxed, their eyes are partially closed; they look very happy, and also very peaceful. In contrast, humans tend to move quickly and retain a degree of tension at virtually all times--and we actually tense just a little when we go to kiss someone, which is the opposite of what a feline would expect. There's also the closeness issue--most animals feel weird about having someone else in their personal space, and while housecats are usually fine with sitting next to someone (or in someone's lap), having that person's face just an inch away from them feels weird.

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