
Why do cats knead on soft stuff?

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my cat keeps kneading on soft things like my fuzzy rug or my blanket?? is it cuz they like the softness ?





  1. my cat kneads on me sometimes. its because he remembers from when he was a baby.

  2. It's because it reminds them of their mummy's tummy!

  3. This behavior is called "milk-treading." When you relax and sit quietly, you're giving your cat the same signal he got from his mother when he was a kitten - that his mother was ready to let him suckle.  A nursing kitten instinctively uses his paws to draw out the milk, gently pushing on his mother's stomach to increase the milk flow.  When older cats behave this way, it's a good sign that they're happy, content, and probably recalling their kitten hood.

    They like to knead on soft things because it reminds them of their mom's belly.

  4. it is for comfort, to get milk they knead on their mommys tummy. The softness might remind them of the fur on their moms tummy so ya.

  5. Accually you'd be suprised to know that 'mother' has nothing to do with it. Its is true that cats knead(which does have to do with happiness and kitten days) but what your talking about is when they are acually pulling the old sheaths of there claws off. this also gives them please when they do it. In fact even declawed cats will make this action :) well hope that helped!

  6. It's a comfort thing. Kittens knead their mother's stomach to help the milk flow and what is more comforting than mom?  So they like to knead soft stuff because it was a behavior from a very comforting time. So when your cat kneads on you it is happy and comfortable.


    My geriatric cat, Cutie, loves soft things and also new things. A new set of sheets on the bed? She is there before the flat sheet is even laid down! Such a silly kitty. She loves my white fluffy blanket from Japan. So I think they like soft stuff and it's a comfort thing, hehe.

  7. most cats knead on soft things because it is like having the mothers tummy(comfort) they also thing the blanket or rug is soft and comfy

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