
Why do cats like eating fish

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why do cats like or should i say love eating fish even though you try giving them something else since they are born.




  1. it's an is one of a (wild cat's )many prey.

  2. Compared to our 9000 taste buds, cats only have 473, making their sense of taste pretty poor compared to ours.  In a way they make up for it by having more complex amino acid taste receptors - so they may be more sophisticated in how they can taste meats.

    Cats also have a special organ in the roof of their mouths called a Jacobson's organ that is linked to the nasal passage (if you've ever seen your cat inhale air with its mouth open and tongue curled up - it is is using this organ to smell).  Although their sense of taste is not as strong as ours (except perhaps meats), their sense of smell is a lot stronger.  Both a cat's sense of smell and sense of taste are registered in the same areas of the brain and are closely linked.  So, in essence with all those factors combined, cats "smell-taste", which makes how something smells almost more important to kitty than how something actually tastes.

    Fish have high fat content (good fat - mostly omega 3 fatty acids which probably taste great to kitty's sophisticated amino acid taste receptors), and fish also have a very strong smell (apparently a "good" smell to cats) - a combination that is almost irresistible to most cats.

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