
Why do cats seem so haughty and conceited

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Why do cats seem so haughty and conceited




  1. Because they're better than everyone and they know it!

  2. "In ancient times cats were worshipped as gods; they have not forgotten this." - Terry Pratchett

  3. Because they're cats.

    Also, "happy cat" signals are a lot more subtle than "happy dog" signals. They don't wag their tales or pant or try to jump on you. Happy cats just look at you and blink slowly, or lift their tails high, or put their whiskers forward.

  4. Actually they are more likely to be afraid or cautious, and only trusting of people they know. I think you're reading their behavior wrong.

  5. They are not humans.  How would you expect cats to behave - like dogs?  Fish?  

  6. Because they know that they are so incredibly awesome that they donet know that even if they dont kiss your butt you will still feed him.

  7. because they think they are better than you

  8. Because they are very independant.

    Dogs have masters,

    Cats have staff.

    I am part of the staff at my house.

  9. Cats have a mysterious and unique personalitiy. That is just their DNA make up. I wouldn't want my cats to act any other way. If I wanted an animal to train to do tricks I would have chosen a dog. Not that that is a bad thing . But it is definately not a cat thing. But cats are trainable, too. If your cat acts intersted.

  10. Because they are.

  11. Their brains are physically different than ours. They really live in a different reality. Not one ruled by concerns about pleasing others. The concept isn't even entertained in their brains. They don't see color like us and they don't think like us. Its that simple.

  12. There is a good saying - CATS have STAFF, Dogs have MASTERS - this is so true ! I have 4 cats and 1 dog - my cats don't care if I am there or not as long as their food bowl is full - my dog CRAVES for my attention and always seems so gratefull. I love both kinds - Cats are SO EASY to care for - DOGS take alot of work but it's worth it - my animals are my babies :-)

  13. because thats just how they are. If they are sleeping somewhere and you disturb them they get all ruffled.

    cats are weird like that.

  14. I think thats a misconception, only a few of the many many cats I have owned through out my life (over a hundred) have been haughty or conceited. I think people think they are like that because we are comparing them to other animals like the people pleasing dog. cats just don't do anything and everything to please people so they are viewed as haughty.

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