
Why do cats sleep all the time !

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My cat will eat drink and play and run etc ..

then when hes placed somehwere he gets comfortable he falls asleep 4 a little amount of time .

Is that normal?

how much should a cat sleep in one day .

and also I think he might have fleas because I saw ONE on his chin and i took it out .. does that mean he has them if i found just one?




  1. On average, cats sleep about 16 hours a day, which equates to about two-thirds of their life. In fact, cats get more sleep than virtually any other animal, about twice as much as most mammals. Thus, sleeping is simply a normal behavior for cats. Just how much a particular cat will sleep, however, can depend upon many factors, including their age, their degree of hunger, their sense of security, the temperature and the weather.

    It's an adaptation they developed in order to survive in the wild. Wild cats are hunters and predators. They are generally active only at times when there is food available. For short periods during the day they will hunt; the rest of the day, they conserve their energy by sleeping, eating, and just resting.

    This is why your cat seems to have only two settings: "high speed" and "off." Lazing in the sun is just as much average kitty behavior as racing around the house and attacking everything in sight. If you're worried that your cat sleeps more than most cats, you can take him to your veterinarian for a full exam.

  2. I have a cat who's 1yr and 5 month and 2 kittens who are 12 wks they have a mad moment then crash out its normal they only sleep when they need 2, the 3 of them sleep all nite as well. If u c a flea better to ger treated i use front line and since then never seen a flea.

  3. Kittens sleep quite abit.  When they run around they seem to be constantly plugged in on high speed.  The world is new, and they seem to want to learn all they can about it.  Like little children, they need a rest and quite time every once in a while to recharge their batteries.  My kitten has to be put to bed at night or she will stay up until she falls over.  Also there are kitten spots for fleas you can put on your kitten in the local pet supply store.  Make sure it is for kittens.  It will help with the fleas.

  4. Its because they are so energetic. Cats sleep between 13-16 hours a day.

  5. If your kitten has one flea he has fleas! Get a flea comb from the pet store this is a very fine toothed comb. Get a bowl of very hot water and the comb and then sit the kitten in your lap and stroke him gently until he settles down.Then start combing him with the flea comb. The comb will bring out both live fleas and eggs. as soon as you see them drop the comb in the hot waterand this will kill the fleas and the eggs. You will never get all of them but if you continue to do this you should get a lot. Bear in mind a kitten with a lot of fleas can die of blood loss due to the fleas gorging themselves on its blood so make sure you do this.

    As for sleeping a lot all cats do this they sleep probably 18 out of 24 hours a day and this is normal behavior for them as when they are awake they are extremely active and burn a lot of energy. This is

    especially true of kittens. You are dealing with a baby there and you know how much human babies sleep well baby animals sleep just

    as much if not more. All animals need sleep. Babies and children need more sleep than adults as that is the time they recharge the energy and also the time when the cell active takes place that helps them grow. If they don't get enough sleep they will not grow or

    flourish so let your kitten sleep as much as he wants.

  6. That is perfectly normal behaviour for a 2 month old kitten.  They are just like babies, have a mad hour or so, and then crash at the drop of a hat.

    Also cats are generally very lazy any way and will sleep a lot.

    Yes he does have fleas, If you find a live one you can guarentee there will be more.  Check his weight and get and suitable flea treatment for a kitten his age and weight.  Frontline spot on is the best but you can't use this until they are 12 weeks old.

    If your not sure what to use give your vet a ring or go into a pet shop, but make sure you tell them how old he is.  If they give him something for older cats it could harm him.

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