
Why do celebrities have such nice skin?

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whenenver i see celebrities in pictures on the red carpet and in poparatzi(sp?) pictures their skin as no blemishes and they are all so pretty how do they not get pimples?




  1. most photos are doctored hun.

  2. its there professions so they try all the possible cosmetic for there skins. if u want to see good s**y pics check the source below

  3. It's called lot's of make up and "airbrush." ( ^ _ ^ )

  4. Just make up and plastic surgery..none of it is real

  5. 1.They have the money to spend on expensive facials and skin care.  2.They have time to sleep a lot and have limited stress because everything is done for them.  3.  The photos are not real because they are changed in the photo production. 4.  Most people look good in digital photos, not just celebrities. 5.  They spend 10 hours getting ready for the red carpet because they have nothing else in their lives to do.  6.  They have the most expensive make up and make up artists putting it on for them. 7.  They hire people to do everything includind hair, makeup clothing, shopping. 8.  Limos rides to the event also eliminate stress and cause skin to be awesome.  9.  They are lazy

  6. THey do have pimples and stuff. Have you never seen celebrities without make-up?

    their skin looks amazing because of these 3 main things:

    1. Lots of Make-up (concealers, face powder, founation etc)

    2. Lots of bright Lights

    3. Air-brushinng.

    go to that website

    you'll be shocked.

  7. they have a lot of money for skin products or surgery and they know people to get the top products i guess

  8. Many do have blemishes or blemish prone skin naturally.  However, they have people who can airbrush them prior to big events.  In addition, they can afford expensive laser treatments and things like that.  Genetics or otherwise, some do just have nice skin though.

  9. Well most of it is all about money, like some have said they can afford pretty much any skin care product but when you see a celeb on the red carpet, its not that they don't have any pimples... They cover them with make-up if they still get them after spending loads of money on products.

  10. Its called LOTS of make-up and foundation.


  11. Ya it's because they use a lot of stuff... but they look great!

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