
Why do celebritys?

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why do celebritys who have millions and millions of dollars do stupid stuff. like britney spears type celebritys they have everything they want and they still have a bad life. they should be gratefull they are blessed with that money and they should help the less fortunate like homless make charitys and stuff and help people in africa and people with no food and stuff like that




  1. First off, money doesn't solve all problems.  Yes, it solves a lot (poverty, famine, homelessness), but some things money cannot solve.  If you're miserable without money, you'll probably be miserable with.

    Second, many do, but it seems no matter how much they do, it isn't enough.  It's a case of damned if you do, damned if you don't

  2. Sometimes I think they forget who they are.  They forget what it's like to struggle.  Often I think it's also a conformity issue.  If you're a rich celebrity, you have to have a mansion, expensive cars, and the best designer clothes.  I always wonder what would happen to me if I was ever rich.  Would I be arrogant about it and blow it all on myself?  If anyone wants to throw millions of dollars at me to see if that will happen, feel free to use me as your guinea pig.

  3. That is what selfish living will do!

  4. Having been rich and having been poor, I can say that money does not make life better it just makes it more convenient. Those with huge sums of money rarely have all they want, I would consider them lucky to have one true friend and if any happy family, money can change the heart and soil the mind it doesn't become a negative until it becomes the only thing you have to offer.

  5. when you have lots of money,when you get it very quickly the logical thing to do is spend it,but after time nothing has any value,but they keep on buying things because they think thats the only thing you can do with money and they forget or have never known what it like to be poor.

    a person wrapped up in themselves makes a very small package

  6. You'd think they would be a lot more generous and happier, wouldn't you?  I guess it is a good example of "the grass is always greener?"
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