
Why do chemical pregnancies happen?

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Will this make it harder for me to get pregnant if I've had one? I already have a 3 year old and we got pregnant with her on only 1 try! Is it harder to get pregnant the 2nd time around?




  1. From what I've read, chemical pregnancies are usually due to the luteal phase defect. Ideally you ovulate two weeks before your next period. The days past ovulation leading up to the first day of the next AF is your luteal phase. Sometimes it can be 13 days, 12 days...but when your LP is 10 days and under, thats when it can be problematic. The zygote isn't given enough time to attach before the lining is shed.

    The only time I've ever been pregnant was when I was a teen and I had a chemical pregnancy. I still haven't gotten pregnant, but you can take certain vitamins like B6 to help extend your luteal phase.

    Good Luck - Baby Dust!

  2. I don't know about chemical pregnancies. I got pregnant straight away with my first 3 children, now we're trying for no4 and its taking months :(

  3. Chemical pregnancies are quite common and should not affect your ability to conceive again (see the link below).

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